Minimal Invasive Laser Treatment for Female Stress Urinary Incontinence
Khalafalla MM, Elbiaa AAM, Abdelazim IA, Hussain MObstet Gynecol Int J 2.2 (2015): 00035
Objectives: Stress urinary incontinence (SUI) is common health problem and affects quality of life. This study was designed to evaluate minimal invasive laser as treatment option for female SUI.
Patients and methods: Fifty (50) women with SUI were included in this study which was conducted over one year. A specially designed laser speculum was introduced into women's vagina to serve as a guide for insertion of hand piece for irradiation of anterior vaginal wall. Second phase of the IncontiLaseTM procedure was performed on the vestibule and introitus. Preoperative and 6 months post-operative urodynamic studies were done for all studied women.
Results: Average flow rate was significantly improved from 3 ml/second before treatment to 11 ml/second after laser treatment and voiding time was also significantly improved from 9 seconds before treatment to 24 seconds after treatment. Residual urine volume was significantly increased from 17 ml before treatment to 38 ml after treatment, and first sensation was also significantly increased from 54 ml before treatment to 122 ml after treatment. First desire was desire was significantly increased from 75 ml before treatment to 180 ml after treatment and strong desire was also significantly increased from 150 ml before treatment to 250 ml after treatment. Maximal uretheral closure pressure was significantly increased from 16 cm H2O before treatment to 34 cm H2O after treatment.
Conclusion: Minimal invasive laser is outpatient procedure, has the advantage of improving of SUI symptoms without any possible complications as bladder perforation or hematoma. Also, it improves vaginal mucosa tone, regenerates collagen and collagen regains its power to contract with subsequent stabilization of bladder neck.
Keywords: Laser; Stress urinary incontinence; Urodynamic assessment
Minimal Invasive Laser Treatment for Female Stress Urinary Incontinence