Finally, a Safe, Effective and Painless Solution for Skin Flaccidity with Fotona V-Smooth and Robotic T-Runner Delivery

Adrian Gaspar, MD

The natural aging process combined with modern lifestyles brings noticeable, undesirable changes in the human body. Unwanted fat, cellulite and flaccidity are three of the top reasons for consultation in aesthetic medicine, especially when it comes to body contouring.

With respect to non-surgical, minimally invasive solutions, there has been significant progress in the treatment of localized adipocytes using energy-based devices such as lasers, radio-frequency (RF) and cryo-freezing devices. In our clinic, for example, we have had excellent results using the Fotona TightSculpting® procedure, which provides non-invasive transcutaneous lipolysis using a special PIANO (Nd:YAG) laser modality. We have had good success also with treating adipose, edematous and fibrotic cellulite using the same TightSculpting® technique.

Finally, a Safe, Effective and Painless Solution for Skin Flaccidity with Fotona V-Smooth and Robotic T-Runner Delivery

LA&HA Projects