Ilay Maden: Lasers in Dentistry

Dentistry is a very demanding medical profession. We, as dentists, must deal with people who are in pain or who are unhappy every day. Patients' expectations have been rising constantly and the information and education needed to fulfil these expectations are enormous. It is not enough today to simply be a good dentist – excellence is what we need to stay in the race, while dentistry is also becoming more and more complicated due to huge amounts of information, methods, products, devices, etc. And we are learning all of this to make our professional life easier.

In addition to the clinical requirements, marketing and establishing uniqueness are also crucial in today’s worldwide economic environment. In our view, considering all aspects of the dental profession, only one device/product has the most "all in one" characteristic to be a game changer; the hard- and soft-tissue dental laser.

We will show how dental lasers can simplify the every-day professional struggle of the general practitioner with scientific and evidence-based dentistry.

LA&HA Symposium 2016

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