Piotr Sikorski: Skin Conditioning Prior to Aesthetic Laser Treatment - The Way to Minimize Risks of Complications

Aesthetic professionals share a common goal to create beauty and repair damage. In laser/light-based rejuvenation, the third important objective is to prevent damage, prior to the treatment, which might possibly be caused by the treatment itself. The number and scope of laser procedures is growing all the time, but it is also the case that more and more medical providers performing these procedures do not have enough knowledge of preparing skin for safe, low-risk light therapy.

The goals of skin conditioning are: to speed up the healing process, to avoid common complications (like PIH, hypopigmentation) and to obtain faster and better outcomes. The important role of the medical provider is also to recognize the risk groups of patients who are prone to side effects of laser skin therapy and to offer them effective skin conditioning.

Skin conditioning regime is in general easy to perform; a 4-step protocol of Exfoliation, Bleaching, Stimulation and Prevention of Damage will help any medical provider to achieve more predictable outcomes with aesthetic laser treatments.

LA&HA Symposium 2018

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