Gunay Mikayilova: Facial Rejuvenation Using a Combination of Various SP Dynamis Modalities
Combination techniques in aesthetic medicine are very common nowadays and most practitioners use the patient’s visit to maximize treatment effects while keeping trauma and downtime at some reasonable level – always previously agreed upon with the patient.
In our clinic we use combined treatment techniques utilizing several of the modalities of each wavelength (Nd:YAG 1064 nm and Er:YAG 2940 nm) available in the SP Dynamis laser system. The treatment protocol is individually designed for each patient, depending on their skin condition and downtime acceptability criteria. Our protocols range from non-ablative mild ones using Frac3, Versa and SMOOTH Er:YAG, through minimally invasive ones with slight peel like the Fotona 4D protocol, to full facial resurfacing using ablative Er:YAG in full and fractional regimes.
In this talk we shall present multiple cases in which the above-mentioned combination treatments were used.