Laser-Assisted Dentistry in the Daily Office Routine: A “Multi-Wave” Concept
Simunovic K, Scholtz A
Since Einstein pictured the nature of light and therefore postulated the basics of the concept of laser over almost a century ago, a long and sometimes rebellious time of experimentation elapsed before we finally witnessed a rapide and wide expansion of this instrument of light across all fields of dentistry in the new century.
At the beginning of the 1960s, Maiman developed the first laser, a ruby laser. Thus, a "solution looking for a problem" was born, then with no concrete indications. Only at the dawn of our millennium a vast range of wavelengths, pulse durations and power settings was achieved, to support safe and efficient clinical applications of lasers in dentistry today. Thus we have the privilege to be able to use the laser as an assistive or completely independent evidence-based tool in almost every field of dentistry, in terms of a multi-wave concept.