TwinLight Laser-Assisted Endodontics

Kresimir Simunovic, DMD, MSc

Classical root treatment involves cleaning the root canal using mechanical means and rinsing with antibacterial solutions and solvents. However, there are two major disadvantages of standard chemomechanical preparations.

First, the bactericidal effect of the rinsing solutions is limited to the root canal. Because of the narrow diameter of the dentinal tubules and the high surface tension of the liquid solutions, they are able to penetrate only a small distance down the tubules. The penetration depth of chemical disinfectants reaches only 100µm into the dentinal tubules, while the bacteria can penetrate over 1,000µm from the canal lumen, and remain protected in the deeper layers of dentin. The second important disadvantage is that the mechanical preparation of side canals and other branches, as  well as the complete removal of the smear layer, are impossible using classical means.

Simunovic K, TwinlightTM laser-assisted endodontics, The Int. mag. of laser dentistry, Vol 3, Issue 2/2011, pp. 32-34