Lingual Frenectomy: Functional Evaluation and New Therapeutical Approach
Olivi G, Signore A, Olivi M, Genovese MD
AIM: When ankyloglossia is relatively severe and generates mechanical limitations and functional challenges, surgical reduction of the frenum is indicated.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: Laser technique is an innovative, safe and effective therapy for frenectomy in both children and adolescents. Erbium:YAG laser (2940nm) can be useful for paediatric dentist: 1.5W at 20pps is a commonly used average power to easily, safely and quickly cut the frenum.
RESULTS: Usually after laser frenectomy, the postoperative symptoms and relapse are absent.
CONCLUSION: Early intervention is advisable to reduce the onset of alterations correlated to the ankyloglossia. A multidisciplinary approach to the problem is advisable, in collaboration with orthodontist, physiotherapist and speech therapist, to better resolve the problem.