Equivalence of Er:YAG Laser and Ultrasonic Scaling for Calculus Removal

Vaderhobli R, White JM, Barr R, Pinzon L

Objectives: To compare the effectiveness of calculus removal using ER:YAG laser with ultrasonic scaling on extracted teeth. Methods: 7 extracted teeth with heavy deposits of supra and subgingival calculus were randomly treated using ultrasonic scaling or ER:YAG laser (Lares Research, Chico, CA). The laser parameters were 35 mJ with 50 Hz, and 12 J/cm2 with 600 μm diameter contact tip and air/water spray (15 ml/min). Time required to remove calculus was recorded for ultrasonic scaling and laser. Optical microscope images (2x-4x) captured before and after treatment were graded by three calibrated blinded independent examiners for presence of calculus, removal of calculus, and surface alteration using standard indices (J Clin Perio, 1997:4:77-91). The treated root surfaces were embedded in resin and cross-sectioned (30 microns) and polished (n=21). Sections were examined under optical microscope (2x and 4 x) and graded based on presence of calculus, cementum and surface alteration. Time required to remove calculus were statistically compared using t-test and the treated surfaces were rank ordered non-parametrically. Results: There was no statistical difference in time between the two groups in removal of calculus (p=0.39). The average laser calculus removal time was 154 ± 40 seconds and ultrasonic scaling was 185 ± 78 seconds. Of the 7 laser samples tested, all had calculus removed, all had cementum remaining and 6/7 had no surface alteration with 1/7 having a surface alteration of 1 (minimal surface roughness areas with no obvious instrument marks). Of the 7 ultrasonic samples tested, all had calculus removed, all had cementum remaining and 5/7 had no surface alteration with 2/7 having a surface alteration of 1. Conclusion: Er:YAG laser calculus removal is equivalent to ultrasonic scaling for calculus removal, surface alteration and presence of cementum. This work is supported by research agreement with Lares Research, Chico, CA

Vaderhobli R, Equivalence of Er:YAG Laser and Ultrasonic Scaling for Calculus Removal, ALD congress 2011