Laser Enucleation of a radicular cyst with the PIPS protocol

Göfteci B.
1/2019. Vol.11

The most frequent odontogenic cyst in tooth-bearing areas is the radicular cyst, also called a periapical cyst. It arises from epithelial cell rests of Malassez in the peri-odontal ligament as a result of inflammation.3, 4 Radicu-lar cysts may be seen with irreversible pulpitis, root frac-ture, periodontal disease and apical periodontitis, and with or without fistulae. The diagnosis is usually made on the basis of anamnesis, clinical investigation and a radiograph or cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) scan.5 Enucleation is defined as the complete removal of the cyst by separating the cystic lining from the inner bony surface. Although small cystic lesions frequently heal with endodontic therapy only, larger lesions may need addi-tional treatment. Untreated cysts may expand, causing local tissue destruction and deformities.

Laser Enucleation of a radicular cyst with the PIPS protocol