Retreatment of 6 Ceramic Restorations In A Single Session - The Application of Er:YAG Laser And CAD/CAM Technology: An 1 Year Follow Up Clinical Evaluation

Christian Giancarlo Bernal, Ester Mi Ryoung Lee, Carlos De Paula Eduardo, Ana Maria Aparecida Souza, Luciane Hiramatsu Azevedo
Braz Dent Sci 2021;24(2); doi: 10.14295/bds.2021.v24i2.2234


Background: To present the benefits of high power lasers (Er: YAG and Nd: YAG) over the use of the high speed turbine for the extraction of ceramics restorations, without damaging the surfaces of the teeth; being a relatively easier and faster procedure without the use of anesthetic agents, and the preparation of the ceramic restorations and cementing in the single session; with a follow-up of 1 year. Objective: The benefits of lasers over high-speed turbine mechanical instrumentation for crown removal encompass efficient restoration recovery without damage to tooth surfaces; and a relatively easier and faster procedure without the use of anesthetic agents.

Methods: The Er: YAG laser (no contact; 3.2-4.0 W, 20 Hz) was used to extract the porcelain prosthesis, followed by a gingivectomy with the Nd: YAG laser on tooth 12 to improve the gingival contour. The dental surfaces where the ceramic prosthesis will be cemented were scanned. Then, CAD / CAM technology was used to make the ceramic veneers that were cemented in the same session.

Results: The efficacy the Er:YAG laser energy was observed by the decreased of the time to remove all-ceramic materials through ablation of bonding cements, reducing working time by 75% compared to a high-speed turbine.

Conclusions: An Er: YAG laser can safely remove lithium disilicate crowns with the settings used in this study. Laser-assisted removal of all ceramic PDFs is a promising treatment protocol. The use of the Nd: YAG (2.0 W power, short 20Hz, 320 µm optical fiber, in contact) laser allowed gingivoplasty to be performed, automatically cauterizing avoiding post-operative bleeding, and facilitating the preparation of ceramic restorations the same day. The use of high-power lasers and the use of accompanying CAD / CAM technology allowed this clinical case to be completed in a single visit without the use of temporary restorations, achieving absolute patient satisfaction.

Keyword: Er:YAG; Nd:YAG; Lithium disilicate ceramic; CAD/CAM.

Retreatment of 6 Ceramic Restorations In A Single Session - The Application of Er:YAG Laser And CAD/CAM Technology: An 1 Year Follow Up Clinical Evaluation