Evaluation of upper labial frenectomy: A randomized, controlled comparative study of conventional scalpel technique and Er:YAG laser technique
Sarmadi, R., Gabre, P. & Thor, A.
Clinical and experimental dental research, 2020.
Abnormalities in the maxillary frenum may lead to esthetic or functional limitations and need to be corrected with a surgical intervention called frenectomy. The aim of the study was to compare frenectomies performed using Er:YAG laser technology with those using a conventional scalpel technique. Comparisons were of patients' experiences, treatment times, bleeding during treatment and wound healing.
Material and methods
The trial was performed as a prospective, randomized and controlled, single-blind investigation. A total of 40 patients requiring frenectomy were randomly assigned to groups which underwent either conventional or Er:YAG laser treatment. Patients' experiences, treatment time, bleeding and wound healing were evaluated immediately after surgery and 5 days, 12 days and 3 months after surgery.
Significant increase in time spent in surgery and bleeding was seen with conventional scalpel surgery. Directly after surgery the wound area was significantly larger in the laser group but at the 5-day evaluation no difference could be observed between the groups. Finally, patients were satisfied with both methods, giving them the same assessments.
In the frenectomy procedure, laser surgery is faster and causes less bleeding and may be advantageous in frenectomies.