Auto-Fluorescence and Histopathologic Evaluation of Medication-Related Osteonecrosis of the Jaws: Perspectives for Treatment

Giovannacci, I. et al.
The Journal of craniofacial surgery, 2019;30(4), pp.1039–1043.

Auto-fluorescence (AF) of healthy bone tissue has recently been described. Loss of AF (LAF) has, on the contrary, been reported in necrotic bone. Further, the use of LAF as a possible guidance to distinguish viable from necrotic bone during surgical treatment of osteonecrosis has been proposed. The aim of this study is to detail 8 patients of medication-related osteonecrosis of the jaws treated through an AF-guided surgical resection. The authors also provide the histopathologic description of hypo-fluorescent and hyper-fluorescent bone in each patient. After removal of necrotic bone block, Er:YAG laser was used for vaporizing further necrotic bone, up to the detection of strongly hyper-fluorescent bone. Samples of hyper-fluorescent bone were collected around areas of necrosis. Histopathologic evaluation revealed viable bone tissue in all hyper-fluorescent specimens. On the basis of these data, AF-guided surgical resection could be effective in highlighting surgical margins of necrotic bone tissue and it might have some utility in a range of applications of bone surgery.

Auto-Fluorescence and Histopathologic Evaluation of Medication-Related Osteonecrosis of the Jaws: Perspectives for Treatment