Sensitivity evaluation of caries removal in primary molars using an er:yag laser: a randomized split-mouth clinical trial.

Polizeli AFS, Alexandre Valério R, Alencar Nemezio M, Galo R, Luiz Rodrigues-Júnior A, Aparecida Milori Corona S.
Eur J Pharm Med Res. 2016;3(8):116-122.


Objectives: The aim of this study was to evaluate dentin sensitivity in primary molars and the children’s preference method employed in selective caries removal. Materials and Methods: A randomized controlled clinical trial with a split-mouth design was carried out. The sample was composed of 20 children, in whom 40 primary teeth were randomly divided into two groups according to the selective caries removal method used: (I) Er:YAG laser (250 mJ/4 Hz) and (II) conventional method (bur preparation). Each child underwent both procedures and served as his/her own control. Restorations were performed with composite resin. Dentin sensitivity was evaluated using an analog facial scale and the children’s preference method in selective caries removal was evaluated by means an interview. The data were analyzed by Fisher’s Test (5%). Results: There was statistically significant difference between the selective caries removal and the face indicated by child (p=0.010). The children submitted to selective caries removal using conventional method experienced greater dentin sensitivity in comparison to those submitted to Er:YAG laser. The children’s preference by an Er:YAG laser as the method of selective caries removal in a future restorative treatment was of 90%. Conclusion: Er:YAG laser promoted a lower sensitivity painful and it was the preference method by most children in selective caries removal when compared to conventional method.

Sensitivity evaluation of caries removal in primary molars using an er:yag laser: a randomized split-mouth clinical trial.