Crack formation on resected root surfaces subjected to conventional, ultrasonic, and laser root-end cavity preparation

Aydemir S, Cimilli H, Mumcu G, Chandler N, Kartal N.


The aim of this study was to evaluate cracks on root ends following resection and cavity preparation with a laser and two established techniques.

Background data: 

If root canal treatment of a tooth fails, an apicoectomy operation may be indicated. Three millimeters of the root tip is resected and a cavity of similar depth with parallel walls is cut to receive a root-end filling.

Materials and methods: 

Sixty extracted human maxillary anterior teeth were used. Their root canals were prepared with rotary instruments, and they were filled with gutta-percha. Twenty teeth were resected with tungsten carbide fissure burs, and their root-end cavities cut with tungsten carbide round burs at a slow speed (Group 1). The other 40 teeth were resected with an Er:YAG laser, and root-end cavities were made with the same laser (Group 2), or with an ultrasonically-powered zirconium nitride coated retrotip (Group 3). The number and types of cracks on the resected surfaces were assessed using a stereomicroscope before and after cavity preparation.


Cracking was not significantly different between the more conventional group and the laser groups after resections (p>0.05) or following cavity preparation (p>0.05).


In this in vitro study, the laser resection and root-end preparation technique did not influence the number or type of cracks formed on the root surfaces.

Crack formation on resected root surfaces subjected to conventional, ultrasonic, and laser root-end cavity preparation