Evaluation of potassium binoxalate gel and Nd:YAG laser in the management of dentinal hypersensitivity: a split-mouth clinical and ESEM study
Talesara K, Kulloli A, Shetty S, Kathariya R.
Lasers Med Sci. 2014;29(1):61-68.
Dentinal hypersensitivity is one of the oldest recorded complaints of discomfort to mankind and yet there appears to be no permanent treatment for this clinical condition. This study was designed to evaluate the clinical efficacy of potassium binoxalate gel and neodymium:yttrium-aluminum-garnet (Nd:YAG) laser on dentin hypersensitivity for a period of 9 months. Eighty teeth (20 subjects, 25-55 years old, M = F) were evaluated in a split-mouth design to receive potassium binoxalate (group A, 40 teeth) and Nd:YAG (group B, 40 teeth: 1 W, 10 Hz, and 60 s, irradiated twice). The diameter of output beam was about 300 μm with a distance of 2 mm between laser fiber or tip and tooth surface. The clinical efficacy was evaluated by air-blast test and cold-water test using visual analog scale. Electron microscopy photomicrographs were taken to confirm the results. Analysis was done at baseline; immediately post-treatment; and at 3, 6, 9 months post-treatment. Student's paired and unpaired T tests were used to evaluate the statistical analysis. Both treatment modalities were effective in reducing dentine hypersensitivity. However, Nd:YAG laser was better when intragroup comparison was made at 9 months post-treatment. Nd:YAG lasers is better in long-term treatment (up to 9 months) owing to the melting of dentinal tubules. However, due to depth of penetration of microcrystals, gel was better when ease of the procedure is considered. Nevertheless, both treatment modalities resulted in recurrence. Hence, further studies are needed to discover an agent, which can be considered as a "gold standard".