Comparative evaluation of ER : YAG and Nd : YAG Laser for gingival depigmentation
Rathod DM, Mulay S.
J Dent Lasers. 2013;7(1):38-42.
Melanin, carotene, and hemoglobin are the most common natural pigments contributing to the natural color of the gums. Although physiologic and ethnic melanin pigmentation is not a medical problem, complaints about "black gums" are common. Gingival depigmentation has been carried out using surgical, chemical, electrosurgical and cryosurgical procedures. Recently, "laser ablation" has been recognized as one of the most effective, pleasant and reliable techniques. Effective depigmentation of the gingiva requires removal of all or most of the melanocytes from the basal layer of gingival epithelium. In present case report the efficacy of gingival depigmentation using neodymium:yttrium-aluminium-garnet (Nd:YAG) and erbium:YAG (Er:YAG) lasers in same patient was evaluated.
Keywords: Er:YAG laser, gingival depigmentation, melanin, Nd:YAG laser
Comparative evaluation of ER : YAG and Nd : YAG Laser for gingival depigmentation