Antimicrobial Effects of Three Different Treatment Modalities on Dental Implant Surfaces
Larsen OI, Enersen M, Kristoffersen AK, et al.
J Oral Implantol. 2017;43(6):429-436.
Resolution of peri-implant inflammation and re-osseointegration of peri-implantitis affected dental implants seem to be dependent on bacterial decontamination. The aims of the study were to evaluate the antimicrobial effects of 3 different instrumentations on a micro-textured dental implant surface contaminated with an avirulent or a virulent Porphyromonas gingivalis strain and to determine alterations to the implant surface following instrumentation.
Materials and Methods:
Forty-five dental implants (Straumann SLA) were allocated to 3 treatment groups: Er:YAG laser, chitosan brush, and titanium curette (10 implants each) and a positive (10 implants) and a negative (5 implants) control. Each treatment group and the positive control were split into subgroups of 5 implants subsequently contaminated with either the avirulent or virulent P. gingivalis strain. The antimicrobial effect of instrumentation was evaluated using checkerboard DNA-DNA hybridization.
Implant surface alterations were determined using a light interferometer. Instrumentation significantly reduced the number of attached P. gingivalis ( P < .001) with no significant differences among groups ( P = .310). A significant overall higher median score was found for virulent compared with avirulent P. gingivalis strains ( P = .007); the Er:YAG laser uniquely effective removing both bacterial strains. The titanium curette significantly altered the implant surface micro-texture. Neither the Er:YAG laser nor the chitosan brush significantly altered the implant surface. The 3 instrumentations appear to have a similar potential to remove P. gingivalis. The titanium curette significantly altered the microstructure of the implant surface.
Keywords: P. gingivalis; decontamination; dental implant; laser; microstructure; surface alteration.
Antimicrobial Effects of Three Different Treatment Modalities on Dental Implant Surfaces