Comparison of Adhesion of Blood Components on Root Surfaces treated with Citric Acid , Nd:YAG, Er:YAG , and CO2 Lasers: An in vitro Analysis.

Sabnis S, Gayathri GV, Chandra KK, Mehta DS.
Int J Laser Dent. 2016;6(1):18-23.


Erstwhile studies have emphasized the importance of establishing a secure fibrin linkage between the tooth-soft tissue interface for formation of a new connective attachment. Thus, periodontal regeneration is reliant on the constant adhesion, maturation and absorption of fibrin clots to the root surfaces which are compromised periodontally. Improved fibrin clot formation and blood cell attachment is being aimed by modification of the root surfaces with different agents. Limited studies have evaluated the attachment of blood cell component on various laser treated root surfaces individually. Hence, the aim of this in vitro study was to evaluate and compare the adhesion of blood components on the root surfaces treated with citric acid, Nd:YAG, Er:YAG and CO2 lasers by scanning electron microscopy (SEM).

Materials and methods:

The proposed study was conducted on 35 root specimens (5 × 5 × 1 mm) obtained from extracted periodontally compromised permanent teeth. The root specimens were randomly divided in five groups depending upon the type of treatment rendered. Group I: Untreated control group, group II: Citric acid (pH:1), group III: Nd:YAG laser (112.5 m J/ pulse), group IV: CO2 laser (12.5 J/cm2 ), group V: Er:YAG laser (120 m J). Following the respective treatments, fresh human whole peripheral blood obtained from a healthy donor was applied to the external surface of all root specimens. The specimens were then analysed and scored for the adhesion of the blood components with photomicrographs of SEM.


Statistically significant increase in the adhesion of blood components was seen in all the test groups compared to control group both citric acid and Er:YAG laser showed higher adhesion of blood cells to the root surface than the Nd:YAG laser and CO2 laser.


Er:YAG laser enhanced the adhesion of blood components over the treated root surfaces. Hence, it can be safely used as a root bio-modifier ensuring stable fibrin linkage to promote periodontal regeneration.

Keywords: Blood, Clot, CO2 lasers Er:YAG, Fibrin, Nd:YAG

Comparison of Adhesion of Blood Components on Root Surfaces treated with Citric Acid , Nd:YAG, Er:YAG , and CO2 Lasers: An in vitro Analysis.