Influence of Laser Activated Irrigation with two Erbium Lasers on Bond Strength of Inidividually Formed Fiber Reinforced Composite Posts to Root Canal Dentin

Amižić, I.P. et al.
Acta Stomatologica Croatica, 2016;50(4), pp.321–328.


The aim of this in vitro study was to investigate the effect of laser activated irrigation (LAI) using two erbium lasers on bond strength of individually formed fiber-reinforced composite (FRC) posts to root canal dentin.

Materials and methods: 

Twenty-seven single-rooted human teeth were endodontically treated and after post space preparation divided into three groups (n=9 per group), according to the pre-treatment of post space preparation: 1) Conventional syringe irrigation (CSI) and saline; 2) Er.YAG photon-induced photoacoustic streaming (PIPS) technique and saline; 3) Er,Cr:YSGG activated irrigation with RFT2 tip. Two specimens from each group were used for SEM analysis. The remaining specimens (n=7 per group) received individually formed FRC post, everStick POST, luted with self-adhesive cement, G-CEM LinkAce. After cementation, the roots were perpendicularly sectioned into 1 mm thin sections and a push-out test was carried out (0.5 mm/min). The data were calculated as megapascals and were log transformed and statistically analysed using one-way ANOVA at the level of significance set at 5%.


In the control group, the smear layer was still present. In the Er:YAG group, the smear layer was removed. In the Er,Cr:YSGG group, the smear layer was partially removed. The Er,Cr:YSGG group achieved the highest bond strength values, followed by the control group and then the Er:YAG group, but no statistically significant difference was found in bond strength values in the tested group of post space pretreatment (p=0.564).


LAI using two erbium lasers, with PIPS or RFT2 tip, did not affect the bond strength of individually formed FRC posts to root canal dentin.

Keywords: Fiberglass Reinforced Polymers; Post and Core Technique; Root Canal Preparation; Solid-State Lasers.

Influence of Laser Activated Irrigation with two Erbium Lasers on Bond Strength of Inidividually Formed Fiber Reinforced Composite Posts to Root Canal Dentin