The efficiency of laser application for debonding laminate restorations manufactured of current CAD-CAM materials with different thicknesses

Celiksoz, O., Recen, D. & Peskersoy, C.
Nigerian journal of clinical practice, 2022;24(5), pp.705–711. 55


Using lasers for adhesive restoration removal can be practical and atraumatic.


The purpose of this study was to investigate Er: YAG laser exposure on debonding the adhesive cementation between enamel and feldspar ceramic, lithium disilicate-reinforced and resin nano ceramic composite laminate restorations.

Materials and methods: 

Vita Cerec Blocs, IPS e.max Computer-aided design (CAD). Computer-aided design and manufacturing (CAD-CAM) in full and Lava Ultimate restorative materials were chosen. The 3 × 3 mm2 standardized, 0.5-mm and 1 mm thick specimens were cemented on an enamel surface. After thermocycling, each material group was randomly divided into laser treated and control (non-laser treated) groups. Shear bond strength test was done with a universal testing machine with crosshead speed 0.5 mm/min. Factorial ANOVA Technique and TUKEY HSD multiple comparison test were used for statistical analyses. Moreover, the surface morphology of the debonded samples and the enamel was observed using a scanning electron microscope.


The laser application was found to weaken the SBS values significantly (P < 0.05) for all groups; however, the most dramatic SBS decrease was observed for laser treated IPS e.max at both thicknesses.


Laser treatment can serve as a practical and effective method that eliminates the risk the enamel damage and restoration fracture.

Keywords: Ceramic resin composite; Er: YAG laser; feldspar ceramic; laser crown debonding; lithium disilicate ceramic.

The efficiency of laser application for debonding laminate restorations manufactured of current CAD-CAM materials with different thicknesses