Effect of Different Irrigation Activation and Condensation Techniques on the Marginal Adaptation of White MTA

Türkyılmaz, Ali & Özbay, Yağız & Dinçer, Gözde & Erdemir, Ali.
Meandros Medical and Dental Journal.2023.24. 72-77

Objective: To evaluate the effect of different irrigation activation and condensation techniques on the marginal adaptation ability of white ProRoot mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA). Materials and Methods: Eighty single-rooted human teeth were prepared to a ProTaper Universal F4 file. Initially, the roots were randomly divided into four groups as follows: conventional syringe irrigation in group 1, sonic activation (EDDY) in group 2, passive ultrasonic irrigation in group 3, and Er:YAG laser in group 4. Then, ProRoot MTA was set with hand condensation or ultrasonic condensation techniques, and the adaptation ability of MTA was investigated using SEM. Results: EDDY activation had the lowest gap scores (p<0.001). No statistical differences were observed between the regions (p>0.05), and condensation techniques (p>0.05). Conclusion: The marginal adaptation of ProRoot MTA to root dentine increased with EDDY activation, and the marginal adaptation ability of the material was not affected by the condensation technique.

Keywords: Adaptation, EDDY, mineral trioxide aggregate, PIPS, PUI

Effect of Different Irrigation Activation and Condensation Techniques on the Marginal Adaptation of White MTA