Effect of SWEEPS and PIPS techniques on dye extrusion in photodynamic therapy procedure after root canal preparation
Bolhari B, Meraji N, Seddighi R, Ebrahimi N, Chiniforush N.
Photodiagnosis Photodyn Ther. 2023;42:103345
Aim: The aim of this study is to measure and compare the amount of apical extrusion of the methylene blue as photosensitizer using Laser-activated irrigation(LAI) techniques (SWEEPS, PIPS) and photodynamic therapy (PDT).
Materials and methods: 40 single-rooted premolar teeth were selected and their root canals were cleaned and prepared. The photosensitizer, Methylene blue (MB), was used as dye which applied inside the root canals and the access cavities. Then the teeth were randomly allocated to 4 groups. Different techniques (SWEEPS, PIPS, PDT) were used in 3 groups. One group received no activation. Data related to the concentration of the extruded methylene blue was measured using ultraviolet and visible (UV-Vis) absorption spectroscopy. Absorption peak intensity of MB in the wavelength of 668 nm was considered as the concentration index according to Beer Lambert law. Taking into account the normal distribution of this data, one-way ANOVA analysis was used to evaluate the effects of the independent variables on the amount of apical extrusion of the irrigant.
Results: Based on the results of ANOVA analysis, there was no significant difference between the amounts of apical extrusion of MB between different groups (p = 0.628) CONCLUSION: Using SWEEPS and PIPS techniques, despite diffusion of the photosensitizer, didn't lead to any difference in the amount of apical extrusion. Therefore, these LAI techniques can be used safely for root canal irrigation.
Keywords: Apical extrusion; Conventional needle irrigation; Photodynamic therapy; Photon-induced photoacoustic streaming; Shock wave enhanced emission photoacoustic streaming