SSP/SWEEPS Endodontics with the SkyPulse Er:YAG Dental Laser
Pages: 01-10
Tomaz Ivanusic, Matjaz Lukac, Nejc Lukac, Matija Jezersek
Volume: 2019 | number: 1
ISSN (print):1855-9913 | ISSN (web): 1855-9921
SSP/SWEEPS Endodontics with the SkyPulse Er:YAG Dental Laser
Pages: 01-10
Tomaz Ivanusic, Matjaz Lukac, Nejc Lukac, Matija Jezersek
Safety and Effectiveness of the Combined Nd:YAG and Er:YAG Laser-assisted TightSculpting® Body Contouring Procedure
Pages: 11-15
Pham-Huu Nghi
CASE REPORT: Successful Intra-anal Non-ablative Er:YAG Laser Treatment for the Symptoms of Rectal Prolapse
Pages: 16-18
Lasarus Mitrofanoff, Piotr Sikorski
Combined Er:YAG and Nd:YAG Laser Treatment of Localized Gingival Overgrowth
Pages: 19-21
Mojca Trost, Boris Gaspirc
Minimally Invasive Er:YAG Laser-assisted Gingival Depigmentation
Pages: 22-24
Mojca Trost, Boris Gaspirc
Treatment of Venous Malformation of the Oral and Lip Region with Nd:YAG Laser
Pages: 25-27
Mia Volovec Dodig, Lidija Volovec
CASE REPORT: Treatment of Patients with Congenital Capillary Angiodysplasia (PWS) of the Face with 1064 nm Nd:YAG Laser
Pages: 28-30
Terekhov Alexey Mikhailovich, Anže Zorman
The Efficacy of 3 Different Modes of Er:YAG 2,940 nm Laser Combined with Nd:YAG 1,064 nm Laser for Lower Eyelid Rejuvenation
Pages: S01
Ratchathorn Panchaprateep
Combination of Cryolipolysis and Hyperthermic Laser for Non-invasive Body Contouring Treatment
Pages: S01
Christie Moey
Treatment of a Variety of Dermatological Diseases and ENT Problems with Er:YAG and Nd:YAG Laser
Pages: S02
Natasa Teovska Mitrevska, Vesna Petreska Dukovska
Lipomodelling of the Lower Third of the Face and Neck using Laser-assisted Liposuction
Pages: S04
Vitaly Igumnov
Non-Surgical Periorbital Hyperpigmentation (Dark Eye Circle) Reduction
Pages: S05
Lucas Chia Liang Choong
Improvement of Lower Eyelid Shape by Transconjunctival Er:YAG Laser Irradiation - A Device for Irradiation Based on the Mechanism of Action
Pages: S05
Nariaki Miyata
Assessment of the Efficacy and Sustainability of TightSculpting on the Abdominal Area using the Fotona TightSculpting® Protocol
Pages: S06
Tania Phillips
Fractional Ablative Qs Nd:YAG – the Minimally Invasive LaserTherapy for Acne Scars
Pages: S07
Edin Suljagić
Facial Rejuvenation using the Combination of Various SP Dynamis Modalities
Pages: S08
Gunay Mikayilova
Use of StarWalker MaQX for Treatment of Resistant PWS: Case Presentation
Pages: S08
Yegor Kolodchenko
Efficacy and Safety of the FOTONA TightSculpting® Method Used in Non-invasive Lipolysis and Skin Tightening
Pages: S09
Lajos Kemény
The Challenge of using Er:YAG Laser for Achieving Mycological Cure in Onychomycosis
Pages: S09
Hani Giryes
Treatment of Recalcitrant Melasma with Fractional Erbium:YAG, Fractional Q-Switched Nd:YAG and Long-Pulsed KTP Laser
Pages: S11
Lucas Chia Liang Choong
Treatment of Benign Papilloma in Orofarinx with Erbium:YAG Laser
Pages: S11
V. Petreska-Dukovska, N. Teovska Mitrevska
Effectiveness of Fotona SP Medical Lasers for the Treatment of Congenital Capillary Angiodysplasia of the Face
Pages: S12
Alexey Mikhailovich Terekhov
Lessons from the Real World: Long-term Efficacy and Safety of Vaginal Erbium Laser (VEL), the Second Generation Thermotherapy for the Genitourinary Syndrome of Menopause<
Pages: S13
Marco Gambacciani, Marco Levancini, Mauro Cervigni
Comparison of Fotona SMOOTH Laser Treatment and Other Energy-based Device Therapies in the Treatment of VRS and GSMd
Pages: S13
Midori Mitsuyuki
Preliminary Outcome of Non-ablative Vaginal and Intraurethral Er:YAG Laser Treatment for Female Stress and Mixed Urinary Incontinence
Pages: S14
Chi-Feng Su
Application of Erbium:YAG Laser in Stress Urinary Incontinence in Women: Literature Versus the Reality of our Practice
Pages: S15
Matilde Gómez-Frieiro, Elena Laynez Herrero
Non-ablative Er:YAG Laser in the Treatment of Stress and Mixed Urinary Incontinence in 82 Women – Which Factors Influence the Efficacy of the Treatment?
Pages: S16
C.Tamer Erel, Deniz Inan, Aysegul Mut, Deniz İnan
Er:YAG Laser Treatment in Women with Stress Urinary Incontinence after Hysterectomy: a Preliminary Study
Pages: S16
C Tamer Erel, Marco Gambacciani, Ivan Fistonic
Erbium Laser Treatment for Episiotomy Scars - 12 Months Follow-up
Pages: S17
Aleksandra Novakov Mikic
Effects of Sub-ablative Long-pulse Er:YAG Laser Irradiation on Recurrent Vaginal Candidiasis – Preliminary Results
Pages: S17
Adrian Gaspar, Joaquin Silva
Impact of Fotona IncontiLase® on Urinary Incontinence and Quality of Life
Pages: S18
Manuel Del Campo Rodríguez, Montserrat Girabent-Farrés, StephanieKauffman, Laia Blanco-Ratto, Andrea Carralero-Martínez, Joana MartíneZ-Blasco, Inés Ramírez-García
Management of Prostatodynia in Younger Patients with Sub-Ablative Erbium:YAG Intraurethral Laser
Pages: S19
Adrián Gaspar, Joaquín Silva, Gustavo Silva, Raúl Anchelerguez, Alejandro Prats Jorge Sagaz, Eduardo Rovere, Mauricio Alastra, Fernando Mercado, Juan Pino, Alejandro Jauregui, Marcos Farrugia, Fabricio Villaroel, Jonathan Guareschi, Maximiliano Vega, Emanuel Biasiori, Emanuel Moyano, Antonio La Rosa
Histological, Cytological and Clinical Correlations after RenovaLase® Treatment as a Guide to Prescribing the Treatment
Pages: S20
Adrian Gaspar, Joaquin Silva
Intraurethral Laser Treatment of Patients with Mixed Urinary Incontinence (MUI)
Pages: S20
Thomas Panzitt
Clearing Genital Human Papillomavirus with the Combination of Ablative and Non-ablative Mode of Er:YAG Laser
Pages: S21
Hui Li
Effects of Sub-ablative Er:YAG Laser on Vaginal Microbiota for the Management of Vaginal Dysbiosis
Pages: S21
Leticia Lazzaletta, Adrian Gaspar, Eugenio Hack
Treatment of Vulvar Leukoplakia with Er:YAG Laser
Pages: S23
Ivan Peev, Silvia Orucheva, Ibryam Ibryam
Non-ablative SMOOTH® Erbium Laser Treatment for Male Stress Urinary Incontinence
Pages: S24
Pedro Torrecillas Cabrera
Peri-implantitis: Non-surgical Combined Laser Treatment using GBT, Er:YAG, Nd:YAG
Pages: S24
Claudio Pasquale
The Evolution of the Bubble: Does it Matter?
Pages: S24
Roeland J.G. De Moor, Rosalie Swimberghe, Maarten. A. Meire
A Non-invasive Application of Er:YAG Laser for De-cementation of Prosthetic Restorations
Pages: S25
Kinga Grzech-Leśniak
Combined Application of Nd:YAG and Er:YAG Lasers in Nonsurgical Therapy of Chronic Periodontitis
Pages: S26
K.Karaiskaki, A. Kallis, I. Vouros
Advantage of Laser Treatments of Vascular Malformations Maxillofacial Region - Comparison with Surgery
Pages: S26
Ngadhnjim Domi
Treatment of Snoring with the NightLase® Protocol in a Dental Office Setting
Pages: S27
Luis Monteiro
Laser Applications of Labial and Lingual Frenula: a Simplified and Predictable Technique
Pages: S27
Giovanni Olivi
Post-operative Quality of Life Following Conventional Endodontic Intra-canal Irrigation Compared to Laser-activated Irrigation: A Randomized Clinical Study
Pages: S29
Jessika Dagher, Rita El Feghali, Steven Parker, Stefano Benediccenti, Carla Zogheib
Dental Treatments with the Fotona LightWalker Laser in Pediatric Dentistry
Pages: S30
Agnieszka Milc
Er:YAG Laser-Assisted Flapless Aesthetic Crown Lengthening guided by Digital Smile Design (DSD): a Case Report
Pages: S31
Alexandra Marques
SWEEPS Protocol in Preparing Extraction Sites for Immediate Zirconia Implant Placement
Pages: S32
Judson Wall
Treating Peri-implantitis by Er:YAG Laser: a Regenerative Surgical Approach
Pages: S32
Betül Göfteci
Treatment of Vaginal Adenosis using a Fotona Dynamis R11 (G-set) or G-Runner (G-22) Handpiece
Pages: CN01
Dr. Adrian Gaspar
Treatment of Linear Hypertrophic Scar with a Combination of Fractional Er:YAG and Guna MD-Tissue® Mesotherapy
Pages: CN03
Dr. Ivan Peev
New Protocol for Long-term Results in Melasma Treatments with Nd:YAG Laser Multi-pulse Skin Conditioning Approach
Pages: CN04
Sebastián and Julio Cesar Velez Ocampo