LA&HA 11/1

LA&HA - Journal of the Laser and Health Academy
Volume: 2011 | number: 1
ISSN (print):1855-9913 | ISSN (web): 1855-9921

TwinLight Rejuvenation Technique (Nd:YAG+Er:YAG) vs Er:YAG Resurfacing Alone: A Comparative Study (Summary)

Leonardo Marini
Pages: S01-S02

Photo-thermal ablative and non-ablative fractional resurfacing and remodeling have become extremely popular due to the lower rate of complications and side effects compared to conventional full-face procedures. Clinical results are nevertheless quite different and have prompted researchers to find new strategies to improve treatment outcomes. Sequential laser layering techniques have been successfully used in PWS and more recently in anti-aging procedures with good clinical results. Since temperature seems to play a key role in stimulating neo-collagen and extracellular matrix production when properly increased in different skin layers, in this study we wanted to examine clinical and histologic results after applying the TwinLight rejuvenation technique, a non-ablative, sequentially layered, 1064 nm Nd:YAG laser bulk heating, immediately followed by two passes of ablative 2940 nm Er:YAG laser in a fractional mode (55 subjects). The TwinLight results were compared with two passes of ablative 2940 nm Er:YAG laser in a fractional mode (45 subjects).

Summary: TwinLight rejuvenation technique (Nd:YAG+Er:YAG) vs Er:YAG resurfacing alone: a comparative study