J LA&HA 2012/1

LA&HA - Journal of the Laser and Health Academy
Volume: 2012 | number: 1
ISSN (print):1855-9913 | ISSN (web): 1855-9921

Control System for Laser Therapy of Teleangiectasies

Nada Kecelj Leskovec, Katarina Bevec, Klemen Povšič, Matija Jezeršek
Pages: 41-45

Background. When working parameters are set incorrectly, laser therapy has many undesired side effects. European research project iLUMEN is trying to develop an intelligent laser control system capable of determining optimal parameters of laser therapy during treatment. The rise of the skin temperature should be as short as possible, yet still long enough to destroy the target - the vein.

Methods. We have developed a prototype of a control system to measure skin surface temperature, which is based on measuring the infrared (IR) radiation. Contactless measuring sensor was mounted on the handle of Nd:YAG laser system (λ = 1064nm) to measure the skin temperature difference in real-time during the laser treatment of varicose veins and venectasies. The treated region was simultaneously actively cooled with medical gel and air.

Results. Settable work parameters during therapy were laser beam diameter (2-3 mm), fluence (150-250 J/cm2), laser pulse duration (10-20 ms) and frequency (1-1.5 Hz). Good results were seen with teleangiectasies up to 2 mm in diameter and with previous sclerotherapy of larger feeding varices. At the beginning of each therapy cycle air cooling lowered the skin temperature to 20°C and the additional use of the medical gel lowered the temperature for further 10°C. During the laser treatment, skin temperature never exceeded an average temperature of 60°C. This kind of cooling significantly lowers the temperature of the skin surface and lessens the pain during laser therapy.

Control system for laser therapy of teleangiectasies