LA&HA - Journal of the Laser and Health Academy
Volume: 2012
| number:
ISSN (print):1855-9913
ISSN (web): 1855-9921
Photo-Thermal Hormetic Rejuvenation with 1064 nm Nd:YAG PIANO Pulse Laser
Leonardo Marini, Andreas Alexiou
Pages: 75-79
The purpose of this prospective pilot study was to assess the effectiveness, safety, and tolerability of a novel super-long (PIANO) Nd:YAG 1064nm laser pulse used to improve premature facial aging.
A pilot study was conducted on 16 female patients affected by premature aging. The skin of the neck was selected for our treatment. The antero-lateral neck surface was divided into three standardized segments. Each segment was exposed to a fixed number of passes, (one, two or three) The same parameters were used for each pass: 24 J/cm2 , 20 mm spot size, and 1.5 seconds super-long pulsewidth. A standardized interval of 5 minutes was chosen to separate subsequent laser passes. A total number of 6 weekly sessions was considered adequate to obtain a rejuvenating effect, similarly to most multipolar RFdependent anti-aging tretments.. Objective skin measurements (elastometry, erythema, and melanin) were taken immediately before, 42 days after treatment initiation, and 120 days after the end of the last laser session. Overall textural improvements were assessed by two independent dermatologists and also by patients 120-days post treatment. A standardized 5-point improvement scale was used to assess the degree of clinical changes.
All subjects completed the study. Melanin increased by 0.52% (1 pass areas) and 0.86% (2 and 3 pass areas) at 42 days; 1.2% (1 pass areas) and 10.5% (2 and 3 pass areas) at 120 days. Erythema increased by 1.3% (1 pass areas) and 2.5% (2 and 3 pass areas) at 42 days; 1.6% and 4.6% after 120 days respectively. Skin elasticity improved by 7% (1 pass aeas) and 21% (2 and 3 pass areas) after 42 days; 4% and 10.8% after 120 days. Improvements were rated moderate to good on double and triple pass areas (independent observers interrated reliability was 72%). No scars were observed. Mild, transient, spot hyperpigmentation was observed in two subjects (2 and 3 pass areas) after 42 days. All subjects tolerated the laser procedures well. Patients' satisfaction was rated moderate to good on double and triple pass areas. 90% of study subjects confirmed their willingness to repeat the procedure as part of their anti-aging preventive strategy.
Our data confirmed that PIANO super-long laser pulses are safe and effective and coluld be considered as a useful non-invasive treatment option of a modern anti-aging strategy.
Photo-Thermal Hormetic Rejuvenation with 1064 nm Nd:YAG PIANO Pulse Laser