LA&HA - Journal of the Laser and Health Academy
Volume: 2015
| number:
ISSN (print):1855-9913
ISSN (web): 1855-9921
Histological Effects of NightLase® in the Soft Palate of Rats: A Pilot Study
Tugba Unver, Aslihan Usumez, Emre Aytugar, Tugçe Kıran
Pages: OnlineFirst
Objective: The aim of this study is to assess the effects of laser irradiation with a novel snoring handpiece on the histological structures of the soft palate in a rat model.
Background: Snoring is a common problem in adults that affects between 20-50% of the population. The sound of snoring is usually a consequence of the vibration of pharyngeal soft tissue, and treatment aims to reduce these vibrations. There are many types of surgical treatment procedures that have been defined up until now, and among the treatment options, the main goal is to find a simple, safe and effective method.
Methods: Twenty adult Wistar albino rats weighing 200 to 250 g were used in this study. Rats were randomized into two groups as an experimental (n=10) and a control group (n=10). Laser energy was delivered in a horizontal direction to the surface of the soft palate of each rat in the experimental group for 2 minutes with an Er:YAG laser (LightWalker AT, Fotona, Slovenia) with a snoring handpiece (PS04) in non-contact mode (1.15 W, 2 Hz, 1.57 J/cm2, SMOOTH mode). The animals were sacrificed after 24 hours, 1 week, 3 weeks or 5 weeks, and the soft palates of each rat were removed by excisional biopsy. The specimens underwent histological examination; contractions were reported as grading from 1+ to 3+. Statistical analysis was performed with Mann-Whitney U-test and Spearman's rho.
Result: A noticeable contraction of the soft palate occurred immediately after laser application.
Conclusion: The present study indicates that Er:YAG laser irradiation with a snoring handpiece (PS04) causes acute shrinkage of the mucosa. This contraction decreases gradually but is still present at the end of the fifth week.
Key words: NightLase, Er:YAG laser, snoring, sleep apnea
Article: J. LA&HA, Vol. 2015, OnlineFirst. Received: November 5, 2015; Accepted: November 29, 2015
Histological Effects of NightLase® in the Soft Palate of Rats: A Pilot Study