LA&HA - Journal of the Laser and Health Academy
Volume: 2016
| number:
ISSN (print):1855-9913
ISSN (web): 1855-9921
Patient Satisfaction with Vaginal Erbium Laser Treatment of Stress Urinary Incontinence, Vaginal Relaxation Syndrome and Genito-urinary Syndrome of Menopause
Miguel A. Barber, Idoya Eguiluz
Pages: 18-23
Introduction: Increasing demand in the field of cosmetic gynecology, together with the trend toward minimally invasive procedures in clinical gynecology and the appearance of new devices designed for these procedures, have led to a change in perspective toward this gynecological subspecialty.
Objective: To identify the impact and evaluate the degree of satisfaction among patients, after the introduction of a new 2940 nm erbium laser device in one gynecology center, for the treatment of vaginal relaxation syndrome, genito-urinary syndrome of menopause, and urinary incontinence.
Materials and methods: A prospective descriptive study of the first 40 consecutive cases treated in our center with said device and our experience in its use.
Results: All subjects completed the treatment without reporting adverse events. Clinical improvements in the pathologies present were noted in 78% of patients receiving the treatment, and the degree of satisfaction was greater than 90%.
Conclusions: This procedure is a quick and minimally invasive in-office alternative treatment, without side effects, that is effective and easily tolerated by patients. The patients reported a level of satisfaction greater than 90%, and 98% would recommend the treatment to other patients.
Key words: laser; erbium laser; vaginal relaxation syndrome; stress urinary incontinence; genito-urinary syndrome of menopause.
Article: J. LA&HA, Vol. 2016, No.1; OnlineFirst. Received: September 18, 2016; Accepted: December 1, 2016