LA&HA - Journal of the Laser and Health Academy
Volume: 2017
| number:
ISSN (print):1855-9913
ISSN (web): 1855-9921
Minimally Invasive Surgery in Pediatric Dentistry using Dental Lasers
Dimitrios A. Velonis, Konstantinos Tsolakis
Pages: 28-32
Minor in-office oral surgical procedures in children are a significant challenge for the child and practitioner, especially when removal of bone is necessary and sedation is not available. Children require careful and educated behavioral management, even for simple procedures such as tooth cleaning, sealant placement and restorative treatment. Surgical procedures pose an additional stress to any child that is afraid of the “knife”, the thought or sight of blood, “stitches”, and in the case of bone removal also the sensation of pressure and vibration.
Dental laser systems, especially during the past ten years, have made it possible to simplify these procedures so that they can be performed with minimal fear and discomfort during the operation and minimal (if any) post-operative swelling or pain.
In our office (DAV), the Er:YAG/Nd:YAG laser has been used successfully over the past 7 years to perform minimally invasive surgery in cases of micro-marsupialization and removal of mucoceles, irritation fibromas, reactive hyperplasias, papillomas, pyogenic granulomas, odontomas, exposure of fully or partially impacted permanent teeth, lingual and labial frenectomies, and removal of granulation tissue.
In this paper we present four clinical cases where the dual Er:YAG/Nd:YAG laser (Fotona Fidelis plus II) has been used for 1. Removal of odontomas interfering with the eruption of the upper permanent central incisors, plus exposure and orthodontic eruption of the central incisors. 2. Surgical exposure of a palatally impacted upper permanent, and orthodontic eruption. 3. Removal of an irritation fibroma of the buccal mucosa. 4. Removal of an oral papilloma from the attached gingiva.
Key words: Minimally invasive surgery, impacted, oral surgery, odontoma, pediatric dentistry, Er:YAG, laser applications, perioperative anxiety, outpatient surgery.
Article: J. LA&HA, Vol. 2017, No.1; pp.28-32.
Minimally Invasive Surgery in Pediatric Dentistry using Dental Lasers