LA&HA - Journal of the Laser and Health Academy, volume: 2021, number: 1

LA&HA - Journal of the Laser and Health Academy
Volume: 2021 | number: 1
ISSN (web): 1855-9921

End User Survey on the Use of High Intensity Tesla Stimulation (HITS®) Magnetic Devices

Jasmina Vesel, Franja Pajk, Špela Jagodic, Jure Jelenc, Irena Hreljac
Pages: onlinefirst

HITS® magnetic stimulation devices can be applied for multiple indications for use and for a variety of types of patients.

AIM: The aim of the end-user survey was to acquire information from end users about frequency of use of magnetic stimulation devices for particular indications, the specifics of their treatments, and to obtain information on side effects observed with the use of magnetic stimulation devices in their practice.

METHODS: The survey was prepared in electronic form. The online survey platform was used to design the survey and to gather the responses. In the first part of the survey, information about the end-user – name (optional), country, length of experience with the device, type of device and accessories used – was collected together with questions about satisfaction with the instructions for use and user interface. Afterwards, the end-users were asked about indications they use the device for, their estimate of efficacy, the procedures used, the number of patients treated, body areas treated and observed side effects.

RESULTS: Of the 96 valid responses, 81% of respondents listed the indications for which they use magnetic stimulation devices. Of those, 81% of respondents reported using it for muscle strengthening/body toning, 67% for treatment of incontinence, 26% for rehabilitation and 33% for treatment of sports injuries. Effectiveness was evaluated on a 5-point scale (1-very poor, 5-very good) and the average rating was above 4 for all indications. Most users rated the effectiveness as “good” or “very good”. The end-users reported an average of 5–12 patients treated per week per indication with one device. Responses about known possible side effects and adverse events were mostly rated “never observed” or “uncommon” (<1% of treated patients). The most commonly observed were muscle soreness and muscle pain. Night-time palpitations were suggested as an additional side effect by one user. No other new side effects were reported.

CONCLUSIONS: The results from this survey have recognized HITS® treatments as very effective and safe. The gathered data provides important information on practice patterns, clinical outcomes, safety profiles and other end-user insights. A continuation with future surveys is important to gain information on possible changes and trends in this field.

End User Survey on the Use of High Intensity Tesla Stimulation (HITS®) Magnetic Devices