LA&HA - Journal of the Laser and Health Academy, volume: 2022, number: 1

LA&HA - Journal of the Laser and Health Academy
Volume: 2022 | number: 1
ISSN (web): 1855-9921

Intense Heat-Shock Biomodulation (i-HBM) of Skin and Mucous Cells with the Fotona SMOOTH® Er:YAG Laser Modality

Matjaz Lukac, Irena Hreljac, Sasa Terlep, Marcelo Tettamanti
Pages: onlineFirst

The safety and excellent clinical results of the non-ablative Fotona SMOOTH® Er:YAG laser therapy for soft tissues have been attributed to the unique dual regenerative characteristic of this Er:YAG laser modality, whereby the standard deep-thermal coagulation is accompanied and enhanced by an additional superficial heat-shock triggering mechanism.

In this paper, the mechanism of superficial heat-shock triggering is analyzed from the viewpoint of indirect biomodulation in response to alarm signals activated by Er:YAG laser-generated intense heat-shocks at the tissue surface. The uniqueness of this intense heat-shock biomodulation (i-HBM) mechanism is in its ability to effectively yet safely regenerate superficially located tissues, and as well in its self-regulatory characteristics, which ensures that the intense i-HBM hyperthermic therapy always remains within the safe hormetic zone.

Intense Heat-Shock Biomodulation (i-HBM) of Skin and Mucous Cells with the Fotona SMOOTH® Er:YAG Laser Modality