LA&HA Master in Laser Dentistry

Boost your professional career in dentistry to new levels by becoming a Master in Laser Dentistry.

The Laser and Health Academy (LA&HA) offers a comprehensive Master’s Program that provides everything you need to know to become a skilled laser specialist. Key benefits of the LA&HA Master’s Program include:

  • 200 hours of active training by high-level industry experts and skilled professionals in multiple fields of dentistry
  • Module-based training in a supportive and highly functional educational setting with the most efficient and up-to-date laser technologies
  • Hands-on clinical training sessions with close supervision at advanced and highly experienced dental laser centers.

As we’re adapting to the novel Corona-virus, we have transferred a portion of our classes to online learning portals to make them accessible to our enrolled students for the time being. This temporary solution will enable both students and lecturers to share knowledge freely and in a safe manner.

On-line modules are composed of a series of pre-recorded sessions, complemented by live Zoom Q&A sessions with a clinical expert on each topic.

Click here to register now!


The award ceremony takes place every year during the LA&HA Symposium.


Participants can finish the LA&HA Master’s Program within one year, in five modules for 3-4 days at a time. There is also an option to extend attendance over a maximum of three years.

Between the modules, participants are required to learn by themselves, as well as assess their own knowledge on-line. This modular approach enables participants to implement their knowledge and skills in the dental office immediately after each module. The program involves 200 active hours of training.


Participants can choose the most appropriate location for the clinical modules from the list of LA&HA’s partnering dental education centers, whereas the location of the first module is at the premises of LA&HA’s offices in Ljubljana, Slovenia.


The official language of the LA&HA Master’s Program is English, however, if there is a group of participants speaking another language, the lectures can be organized in that language.

Number of participants

Modules are conducted in a motivating atmosphere with attendance limited to between 6-10 participants.


LA&HA provides the most qualified speaker for each topic from a pool of experienced LA&HA lecturers and university professors who are cooperating in a variety of workshops and seminars offered by LA&HA.


LA&HA Master’s Program Topics:

  • Laser physics
  • Laser safetyLaser interactions with biological tissues
  • Operating Fotona dental laser devices
  • Laser-assisted conservative dentistry
  • Laser-assisted endodontics
  • Pediatric dentistry with lasers
  • Laser-assisted periodontics and soft-tissue surgery
  • Laser-assisted orthodontics
  • Facial aesthetics and NightLase® laser treatments
  • Photobiomodulation and pain control
  • Updates on current laser technology and laser applications
  • Updates on recently published scientific articles

For further information and application forms, please contact the LA&HA office:

Enrich your professional career today. Click here to register now!