Publications - Dentistry


Piezoelectric Surgery, Er:YAG Laser Surgery and Nd:YAG Laser Photobiomodulation: A Combined Approach to Treat Medication-Related Osteonecrosis of the Jaws (MRONJ)

Vescovi, P., De Francesco, P., Giovannacci, I., Leão, J. C., & Barone, A.
Dentistry Journal. 2024; 12(8):261.

Is SWEEPS better than PUI in reducing intracanal bacteria and inflammation in cases of apical periodontitis?

Hepsenoglu, Y.E., Ersahan, S., Erkan, E., Gundogar, M. & Ozcelik, F.,
Lasers in medical science. 2024. 39(1), p.182

LipLase: A non-invasive approach to achieving fuller, more youthful lips with laser therapy

Statila Pyke, Cosmetic Dentistry No. 1, 2024

Effect of active irrigation using shock wave-enhanced emission photoacoustic streaming on dental pulp stem cell viability

Razavi P, Savadkouhi ST, Barikrow N, Jafari A, Vatanpour M.
Dent Res J (Isfahan). 2023;20:91

Effect of preparation size on the removal of accumulated hard-tissue debris from the mesial root canal system of mandibular molars using SWEEPS technology

Rödig T, Westbomke V, Haupt F, Münster M, Baxter S.
Clin Oral Investig. 2023;27(6):2787-2796

Effect of photon-induced photoacoustic streaming and shock-wave enhanced emission photoacoustic streaming technique on the removal of the smear layer after root canal preparation in curved root canals

Tong J, Liu L, Du J, Gao Y, Song D, Huang D.
J Dent Sci. 2023;18(1):157-164

Efficacy of laser-activated irrigation with the SWEEPS modality in removing calcium hydroxide from simulated internal resorption cavities

Erkan, Erhan & Aydın, Rabia & Falakaloglu, Seda & Yeniçeri Özata, Merve & Gündoğar, Mustafa
International Dental Research. 2023. 48-53

Synergistic Antimicrobial Effect of Photodynamic Inactivation and SWEEPS in Combined Treatment against Enterococcus faecalis in a Root Canal Biofilm Model: An In Vitro Study

Afrasiabi, S., Parker, S. & Chiniforush, N
Applied Sciences. 2023; 13(9):5668

Efficacy of Shock Wave-Enhanced Emission Photoacoustic Streaming (SWEEPS) in the Removal of Different Combinations of Sealers Used with Two Obturation Techniques: A Micro-CT Study

Baraba A, Rajda M, Baršić G, Jukić Krmek S, Šnjarić D, Miletić I.
Materials (Basel). 2023;16(8):3273

Effect of different irrigation activation techniques on irrigation penetration into the simulated lateral canals

Fidan ME, Erdemir A.
Odontology. 2023;111(1):132-141

Effectiveness of Six Irrigation Techniques With Sodium Hypochlorite in Tissue Dissolution

Liu H, Shen Y, Haapasalo M.
Cureus. 2023;15(5):e39208

Isthmus morphology influences debridement efficacy of activated irrigation: A laboratory study involving biofilm mimicking hydrogel removal and high‐speed imaging

Robberecht L, Delattre J, Meire M.
Int Endod J. 2023;56(1):118-127