Publications - Dentistry


Er:YAG laser modification of root canal dentine: influence of pulse duration, repetitive irradiation and water spray

Ebihara A, Majaron B, Liaw LHL, Krasieva TB, Wilder-Smith P.
Lasers Med Sci. 2002;17(3):198-207.

Morphology, chemical structure and diffusion processes of root surface after Er:YAG and Nd:YAG laser irradiation

Gaspirc B, Skaleric U.
J Clin Periodontol. 2001;28(6):508-516.

Intrapulpal temperature during preparation with the Er:YAG laser compared to the conventional burr: an in vitro study

Glockner, K. et al.
Journal of clinical laser medicine & surgery, 16(3), pp.153–157.

Heat diffusion and debris screening in Er:YAG laser ablation of hard biological tissues

Majaron B, Šušterčič D, Lukač M, Skalerič U, Funduk N.
Appl Phys B Lasers Opt. 1998;66(4):479-487.

The Photoacoustic Efficacy of an Er:YAG Laser with Radial and Stripped Tips on Root Canal Dentin Walls: An SEM Evaluation.

DiVito, E.E., Colonna, M.P. & Olivi, G.
Journal of laser dentistry, 2010;19(1), pp.156–161.

Comparative study of the influence of cavity preparation with high-speed rotation or Er:YAG laser on infiltration of aesthetic restorations

Costa, D.P.T.S., Beatrice, L.C.S., Guerra, L.S.C., Ribeiro, M.A., Zanin, F.A.A., Queiroga, A.S., Limeira Júnior, F.A., et al.
Laser Physics, 20(4), pp.876–880

A comparative study of three treatment methods of direct pulp capping in canine teeth of cats: a histologic evaluation

Hasheminia SM, Feizi G, Razavi SM, Feizianfard M, Gutknecht N, Mir M.
Lasers Med Sci 2010; 25: 9–15.

A comparative study of three treatment methods of direct pulp capping in canine teeth of cats: a histologic evaluation

Stübinger, S. et al.
Lasers Med Sci, 2010 Jan;25(1):9-15.

Erbium-doped yttrium aluminium garnet laser-assisted access osteotomy for maxillary sinus elevation: a human and animal cadaver study

Stubinger, S. et al.
Photomedicine and laser surgery, 2010c;28(1), pp.39–44.

Apical sealing quality of in vitro apicectomy procedures after using both Er:YAG and Nd:YAG

Leonardi, D.P. et al.
Photomedicine and Laser Surgery,2010; 28(SUPPL. 2), pp.S63–S67.

The influence of erbium:yttrium-aluminum-garnet laser ablation with variable pulse width on morphology and microleakage of composite restorations

Navarro RS, Gouw-Soares S, Cassoni A, Haypek P, Zezell DM, de Paula Eduardo C.
Lasers Med Sci. 2010;25(6):881-889

En face optical coherence tomography investigation of apical microleakage after laser-assisted endodontic treatment

Todea C, Balabuc C, Sinescu C, et al.
Lasers Med Sci. 2010;25(5):629-639.