Publications - Dentistry


The influence of Er:YAG laser irradiation on re-bonding shear bond strength of enamel

Fang H, Teng C, Lu P, Cao Y, Yu Q.
J Adhes Sci Technol. 2021;35(22):2423-2437.

Histologic Evaluation of Bone Using the Quantum Square Pulse Er:YAG Laser: A Preliminary Study

Cameron Y. S. Lee, Hari Prasad, Kristin L. Lee and Jon B. Suzuki
JDS | Volume 4 | Issue 3 | September, 2016

New horizons for Er:YAG lasers: QSP mode advantages in the Lightwalker AT

Evgeniy Mironov, Zhasmina Mironova, Radosveta Vassileva, Krassimira Genov
research Er:YAG lasers | 3 | 2012

Qualitative evaluation of hybrid layer formation using Er:YAG laser in QSP mode for tooth cavity preparations

Antonis Kallis, Kosmas Tolidis, Paris Gerasimou, Dimitrios Dionysopoulo
Lasers in Medical Science (2019) 34:23–34;

Ablative Potential of Er:YAG Laser in Dentin: Quantum Versus Variable Square Pulse

Anja Baraba, Dan Nathanson, Jurica Matijevic, Dragana Gabric, Ivana Miletic
Photomed Laser Surg. 2016 May;34(5):215-20. doi: 10.1089/pho.2015.4078

Minimally Invasive Cutting of Enamel with QSP Mode Er:YAG Laser

Matjaz Lukac, Tomaz Suhovrsnik, Cene Filipic
J Laser Dent 2014;22(1):28-35

AutoSWEEPS Modality of SkyPulse Endo Er:YAG Laser

Tomaz Ivanusic, Nejc Lukac

J LA&HA - J Laser Health Acad 2020; 2020(1):S04

Orthodontic Composite Splint Removal

Dr. Terry Rose, BSc., BDS

J LA&HA - J Laser Health Acad 2020; 2020(1):CN09

Orthodontic Crossbite Correction – Mandibular Lingual Frenectomy & Removal of a Bonded RPE

Dr. Terry Rose, BSc., BDS

J LA&HA - J Laser Health Acad 2020; 2020(1):CN10

Apicoectomy – Chronic apical periodontitis treatment

Igor Križnar, PhD, dr. dent. med. spec. endodontics

J LA&HA - J Laser Health Acad 2020; 2020(1):CN08

Comparison of apical irrigant solution extrusion among conventional and laser-activated endodontic irrigation

Vidas J, Snjaric D, Braut A, et al.
Lasers Med Sci. 2020;35(1):205-211.

Micro-CT study on the removal of accumulated hard-tissue debris from the root canal system of mandibular molars when using a novel laser-activated irrigation approach

Yang Q, Liu MW, Zhu LX, Peng B.
Int Endod J. 2020;53(4):529-538.