Publications - Dentistry


Minimally Invasive Approach to Prosthetic and Aesthetic Dentistry using the LightWalker Laser System

Bogdan Crişan, Liana Crişan, Horaţiu Rotar, Adrian Petruţiu, Darius Tomina, Cristina Dinu, Cristian Dinu

J LA&HA - J Laser Health Acad 2018; 2018(1):S04

A Novel Protein Testing Model to Assay the Efficacy of Multiple Irrigation Activation Techniques for Removal of Ex Vivo Biomolecular Film

Dönmez Özkan H, Metin K, Bakir ZB, Yiğit Özer S. 
Photomed Laser Surg. 2018;36(9):493-498.

Antibacterial and Smear Layer Removal Efficacy of Er:YAG Laser Irradiation by Photon-Induced Photoacoustic Streaming in Primary Molar Root Canals: A Preliminary Study

Korkut E, Torlak E, Gezgin O, Ozer H, Sener Y.
Photomed Laser Surg. June 2018. doi:10.1089/pho.2017.4369

Efficacy and Safety of Photon Induced Photoacoustic Streaming for Removal of Calcium Hydroxide in Endodontic Treatment

Laky M, Volmer M, Arslan M, Agis H, Moritz A, Cvikl B.
Biomed Res Int. 2018;2018:2845705.

Laser Therapy in Modern Dentistry: Simple and Precise

Yue Ma

J LA&HA - J Laser Health Acad 2018; 2018(1):S01

Laser Treatment Of Potencially Malignant Oral Disorders

Luís Monteiro

J LA&HA - J Laser Health Acad 2018; 2018(1):S01

Using the Modern and Highly Efficient Erbium Laser to Remove All Ceramic Veneers and Crowns

Dmitri Malev

J LA&HA - J Laser Health Acad 2018; 2018(1):S02

Enhanced Hydrophilicity of Dental Implant Surfaces Through the Use of PIPS®/SWEEPS® - Achieving Successful Primary Implant Stability and Accelerated Osseointegration

Toshiaki Yoshino

J LA&HA - J Laser Health Acad 2018; 2018(1):S02

Alveolar Laser Preservation Protocol Using Erbium and Nd:YAG Irradiation

Thierry Maleca

J LA&HA - J Laser Health Acad 2018; 2018(1):S03

Peri-implantitis Treatment Protocol

Shlomo Via

J LA&HA - J Laser Health Acad 2018; 2018(1):S03

Laser Treatment - Addition or Addiction - Extravagance or Essential Standard in Dental Surgery?

Michal Nawrocki

J LA&HA - J Laser Health Acad 2018; 2018(1):S03

Microbiological Evaluation of Neodymium and Erbium Lasers on Oral Pathogens

Kinga Grzech-Leśniak

J LA&HA - J Laser Health Acad 2018; 2018(1):S04