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- Dentinal tubule penetration of AH Plus, iRoot SP, MTA fillapex, and guttaflow bioseal root canal sealers after different final irrigation procedures: A confocal microscopic studyAkcay, M. et al.
Lasers in Surgery and Medicine, 2016;48(1), pp.70–76. - Evaluation of the Effect of Different Laser Activated Bleaching Methods on Enamel Susceptibility to Caries; An In Vitro ModeAshnagar, S. et al.
Journal of Lasers in Medical Sciences, 2017;8 (Suppl 1), pp.S62–S67. - Effect of photon-initiated photoacoustic streaming, passive ultrasonic, and sonic irrigation techniques on dentinal tubule penetration of irrigation solution: a confocal microscopic studyAkcay, M. et al.
Clinical Oral Investigations, 2016;21(7), pp.2205–2212. - The efficacy of laser, ultrasound and self-adjustable file in removing smear layer debris from oval root canals following retreatment: A scanning electron microscopy studyKeles A, Kamalak A, Keskin C, Akcay M, Uzun I.
Aust Endod J. 2016;42(3):104-111. - Effects on Bone Tissue After Osteotomy with Different High-Energy Lasers: An Ex Vivo Studyde Oliveira, G.J.P.L. et al.
Photomedicine and laser surgery, 2016;34(7), pp.291–296. - Evaluation of bone healing after osteotomies prepared with Er:YAG laser in contact and noncontact modes and piezosurgery - An animal study.Gabric, D. et al.
Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, 74(1), pp.18–28. - Histologic evaluation of bone using the quantum square pulse Er:YAG laser: A preliminary study. Lee, C.Y.S. et al.
Journal of Dental Sciences, 2016;4(3), pp.195–199. - Hard tissue debris removal from the mesial root canal system of mandibular molars with ultrasonically and laser-activated irrigation: a micro-computed tomography studyVerstraeten J, Jacquet W, De Moor RJG, Meire MA.
Lasers Med Sci. 2017;32(9):1965-1970. - Effect of Laser-Activated Irrigations on Smear Layer Removal from the Root Canal WallWang X, Cheng X, Liu B, Liu X, Yu Q, He W.
Photomed Laser Surg. 2017;35(12):688-694. - Can We Improve the Laser Etching with the Digitally Controlled Laser Handpiece-Xrunner?Yilanci, H., Usumez, S. & Usumez, A.
Photomedicine and laser surgery, 2017;35(6), pp.324–331 - Hard tissue debris removal from the mesial root canal system of mandibular molars with ultrasonically and laser-activated irrigation: a micro-computed tomography studyVerstraeten J, Jacquet W, De Moor RJG, Meire MA.
Lasers Med Sci. 2017;32(9):1965-1970. - Efficacy of Sodium Hypochlorite Activated With Laser in Intracanal Smear Layer Removal: An SEM Study
Shahriari S, Kasraei S, Roshanaei G, Karkeabadi H, Davanloo H.
J lasers Med Sci. 2017;8(1):36-41.