Non-surgical and Surgical Endodontics

6 June 2025 - 7 June 2025
Paris, France

A special LA&HA Workshop, in cooperation with Institute EndoSophie, will be conducted in Paris on the topic of Non-surgical and Surgical Endodontics.

During this comprehensive two-day workshop, participants will be take part in theoretical presentations from top endo specialists and hands-on training with in vitro models.

At the end of the workshop participants should be able to:

  1. Understand the basic laser physics as well as different laser tissue interactions, that includes procedures from cavity preparation and root canal filler vaporization (re-treatment).
  2. Understand the mechanism of Laser Activated Irrigation in Endodontics.
  3. Understand the different SWEEPS approach in vital and necrotic teeth as well as in re-treatment cases.
  4. Understand a variety of innovative soft tissue procedures as laser guided incisions for apicoectomies, soft tissue management in invasive cervical resorptive defect and photobiomodulation (to accelerate healing and reduce postoperative pain and swelling).

Workshop speakers will include Prof. Giovanni Olivi and Dr. Mohamed I. Fayad.

 🔗 View the full program in French or English.

 🔗 For more info and to register, please reach out to or click here.