Publications - Dentistry


Influence of Er:YAG laser irradiation on the outcomes of alveolar ridge preservation at the infected molar sites: a randomized controlled trial.

Zhou, Y., Sun, F., Zhang, Z., Duan, X., Long, X., Liu, X., Zou, D., et al.
BMC Oral Health, 2023; 23(1), pp.1–12.

Biofilm Removal from In Vitro Narrow Geometries Using Single and Dual Pulse Er : YAG Laser Photoacoustic Irrigation

Terlep, S., Dogsa, I., Pajk, F. & Stopar, D. 
Microoganisms, 2023; 11(8), pp.1–10.

New clinical approach for use of Er:YAG laser in the surgical treatment of oral lichen planus: a report of two cases

Fornaini C, Raybaud H, Augros C, Rocca J-P.
Photomed Laser Surg. 2012;30(4):234-238. doi:10.1089/pho.2011.3116.

Er:YAG Laser: A New Technical Approach to Remove Torus Palatinus and Torus Mandibularis

Rocca, J.P. et al.
Case reports in dentistry. 2012, p.487802.

Comparative evaluation of ER : YAG and Nd : YAG Laser for gingival depigmentation

Rathod DM, Mulay S.
J Dent Lasers. 2013;7(1):38-42.

Effect of caries removal techniques on the bond strength of adhesives to caries-affected primary dentin In vitro

Yildiz E, Karaarslan ES, Yegin Z, Cebe MA, Tosun G.
Eur J Paediatr Dent. 2013;14(3):209-214.

Histomorphometrical and radiological comparison of low-level laser therapy effects on distraction osteogenesis: experimental study.

Kan, B. et al.
Lasers in medical science, 2014; 29(1), pp.213–220.

Er:YAG 2,940-nm laser fiber in endodontic treatment: a help in removing smear layer

Guidotti R, Merigo E, Fornaini C, Rocca J-P, Medioni E, Vescovi P.
Lasers Med Sci. 2014;29(1):69-75.

Comparison of surgical stripping; erbium-doped:yttrium, aluminum, and garnet laser; and carbon dioxide laser techniques for gingival depigmentation: a clinical and histologic study

Hegde, R. et al.
Journal of Periodontology, 2013, 84(6), pp.738–748.

PIPS Improving Your Outcomes Using Laser Activated Irrigation

Divito E, Olivi G.
Oral Health. 2013.

Disinfection efficacy of photon-induced photoacoustic streaming on root canals infected with Enterococcus faecalis: An ex vivo study

Olivi G, DiVito E, Peters O. et al.
Lasers in medical science, 2014;29(1), pp.213–220.

Evaluation of potassium binoxalate gel and Nd:YAG laser in the management of dentinal hypersensitivity: a split-mouth clinical and ESEM study

Talesara K, Kulloli A, Shetty S, Kathariya R.
Lasers Med Sci. 2014;29(1):61-68.