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Er:YAG 2,940-nm laser fiber in endodontic treatment: a help in removing smear layer
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Crack formation on resected root surfaces subjected to conventional, ultrasonic, and laser root-end cavity preparation
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Crack formation on resected root surfaces subjected to conventional, ultrasonic, and laser root-end cavity preparation
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Effects of low ‑ level laser therapy on osteoblastic bone formation and relapse in an experimental rapid maxillary expansion model
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Effects of low-level laser therapy on changes in inflammation and in the activity of osteoblasts in the expanded premaxillary suture in an ovariectomized rat model
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Bleaching effect of activation of hydrogen peroxide using photon-initiated photoacoustic streaming technique
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KTP and Er:YAG laser dental bleaching comparison: a spectrophotometric, thermal and morphologic analysis
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Comparison of Nd:YAG and diode laser irradiation during intracoronal bleaching with sodium perborate: color and Raman spectroscopy analysis
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Laser treatment of dental ceramic/cement layers: transmitted energy, temperature effects and surface characterisation
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