Publications - Dentistry


In Vitro Assessment of SWEEPS and Antimicrobial Photodynamic Therapy Alone or in Combination for Eradicating Enterococcus faecalis Biofilm in Root Canals

Shahi Ardakani A, Afrasiabi S, Sarraf P, Benedicenti S, Solimei L, Chiniforush N.
Pharmaceutics. 2023;15(11):2628

Evaluation of Er:YAG and Er,Cr:YSGG lasers on intraradicular bonding using modified glass fiber tips

Sippus JH, Stape THS, Tezvergil-Mutluay A.
Dent Mater J. 2023;42(6):766-773

Effect of Different Irrigation Activation and Condensation Techniques on the Marginal Adaptation of White MTA

Türkyılmaz, Ali & Özbay, Yağız & Dinçer, Gözde & Erdemir, Ali.
Meandros Medical and Dental Journal.2023.24. 72-77

Investigation of the effectiveness of sonic, ultrasonic and new laser-assisted irrigation activation methods on smear removal and tubular penetration

Uslu, G., Gündoğar, M., Üngör, M. et al.
Lasers Med Sci 38, 30 (2023)

The efficacy of a novel SWEEPS laser-activated irrigation compared to ultrasonic activation in the removal of pulp tissue from an isthmus area in the apical third of the root canal

Bago I, Đurin A, Kanižaj D, Vuletić LB, Zdrilić IV, Anić I.
Lasers Med Sci. 2023;38(1):189

Effect of SWEEPS and PIPS techniques on dye extrusion in photodynamic therapy procedure after root canal preparation

Bolhari B, Meraji N, Seddighi R, Ebrahimi N, Chiniforush N.
Photodiagnosis Photodyn Ther. 2023;42:103345

Efficacy of various activation techniques on tubule penetration of resin-based and bioceramic root canal sealers: An in vitro confocal microscopy study

Coşkun Başoğlu E, Koçak S, Özdemir O, Koçak MM, Sağlam BC.
Aust Endod J. 2023;49 Suppl 1:381-389

The combined treatment of fiber post and root canal by the Er:YAG laser enhances the bond strength of composite reconstruction

Deng Z, Huang Z, Ping L, et al. T.
Lasers Med Sci. 2023;38(1):146

Efficacy of laser-activated irrigation with the SWEEPS modality in removing calcium hydroxide from simulated internal resorption cavities

Erkan, E., Aydın, R. N., Falakaloğlu, S., Yeniçeri Özata, M. ., & Gündoğar.
International Dental Research. 2023.13(2), 48-53

Case Report - Combined Application of 1064 nm Diode and Er:YAG Laser in Nonsurgical Periodontal Therapy

Neza Vatovec, Tomaz Ivanusic

J LA&HA - J Laser Health Acad 2023; 2023(1):onlineFirst

Adjunctive use of laser biostimulation with nonsurgical periodontal therapy: a split-mouth, randomized, case-control study in diabetic and nondiabetic periodontitis patients.

Akansel, F., Sakallioğlu, U., Lütfioğlu, M., Özden, F.O. & Karadağ, A
Turkish journal of medical sciences, 54(1), pp.348–356. 2024

Case report: Using 1064 nm Diode Laser as an Adjunct in Nonsurgical Periodontal Therapy

Neža Vatovec, Tomaž Ivanušič

J LA&HA - J Laser Health Acad 2023; 2023(1):onlineFirst