Publications - Dentistry


Morphological and ultrastructural comparative analysis of bone tissue after Er:YAG laser and surgical drill osteotomy

Gabric Panduric, D., Juric, I.B., Music, S., Molčanov, K., Sušic, M. & Anic, I.
Photomedicine and Laser Surgery,2014; 32(7), pp.401–408.

CASE REPORT: Laser Applications with an Er:YAG Dental Laser and X-Runner Handpiece

Muhammed Birlik, Hilal Karamehmetoglu, Aslihan Usumez

J LA&HA - J Laser Health Acad 2013; 2013(2):31-33

Modeling Photoacoustic Efficiency during Erbium Laser Endodontics

Matjaz Lukac, Gasper Pustovrh

J LA&HA - J Laser Health Acad 2013; 2013(2):1-7

Comparative Measurement of the Ablation Efficacy of a Quantum Square Pulse Er:YAG Dental Laser

Cene Filipic, Tomaz Suhovrsnik

J LA&HA - J Laser Health Acad 2013; 2013(2):8-12

Clinical Cases of Soft-Tissue Surgery with X-Runner in QSP Mode

Dragana Gabric Panduric, Davor Katanec, Irina Filipovic Zore

J LA&HA - J Laser Health Acad 2013; 2013(2):34-37

Debonding of Orthodontic Brackets with Er:YAG laser

Carlo Fornaini

J LA&HA - J Laser Health Acad 2013; 2013(2):CN01

The effect of different enamel surface treatments on microleakage of fissure sealants

Topaloglu-Ak A, Oncag O, Gokce B, Bent B.
Acta Med Acad. 2013;42(2):223-228.

A Comparative Study on Micro Hardness and Structural Changes of Dentin Floor Cavity Prepared by Er: YAG Laser Irradiation and Mechanical Bur

Arbabzadeh F, Birang E, Nazem R, Abbasian M, Koosha F, Birang R. A.
J Dent (Shiraz, Iran). 2013;14(2):73-77.

Thermal Effects of Laser-osteotomy on Bone: Mathematical Computation Using Maple

Gholami, A., Baradaran-Ghahfarokhi, Molood, Ebrahimi, M. & Baradaran-Ghahfarokhi, Milad,
 Journal of Medical Signals and Sensors, 2013; 3(4), pp.262–268.

Case series of 589 tooth extractions in patients under bisphosphonates therapy. Proposal of a clinical protocol supported by Nd:YAG low-level laser therapy

Vescovi, P. et al.
Medicina oral, patologia oral y cirugia bucal, 2013; 8(4), pp.e680-5.

Leukoplakia Case Note

Mironov, Evgeniy, Mironova, Zhasmina

J LA&HA - J Laser Health Acad 2013; 2013(1):CN01

Using Er:YAG Laser for Effective Adhesion in Prosthetics

Fornaini, Carlo

J LA&HA - J Laser Health Acad 2013; 2013(1):CN02