Publications - Dentistry


Use of an Er:YAG Laser for Pulpotomies in Vital and Nonvital Primary Teeth

Kotlow L.
J Laser Dent., 2008; 16(2): 75-79.

Evaluation of Microleakage in Resin Composites Bonded to an Er:YAG Laser and Bur-Prepared Root and Coronal Dentin Using Different Bonding Agents

Shirani F, Birang R, Ahmadpour E, et al.
J Lasers Med Sci. 2008;12:e74.

Harvesting of Intraoral Autogenous Block Grafts From the Chin and Ramus Region: Preliminary Results With a Variable Square Pulse Er:YAG Laser

Stubinger, Nuss, Landes, Rechenberg, Sader

Comparison of Er:YAG and Er,Cr:YSGG Dental Lasers

Perhavec T, Diaci J

State of the Art in Lasers for Dentistry

Prof. dr. Norbert Gutknecht
Aachen Research Institute for Lasers in Dentistry (AALZ), Clinic of Conservative Dentistry,
Periodontology and Preventive Dentistry, University Hospital of the RWTH, Aachen, Germany

Article: J. Laser Health Academy, Vol. 2008, No.3 (2008)

Lasers in Endodontics

Prof. dr. Norbert Gutknecht
Aachen Research Institute for Lasers in Dentistry (AALZ), Clinic of Conservative Dentistry,
Periodontology and Preventive Dentistry, University Hospital of the RWTH, Aachen, Germany

Article: J. Laser Health Academy, Vol. 2008, No.4 (2008)

Tooth Hypersensitivity Treatment

Julio Lomelli

Study Highlight: Cerec Inlays Prepared with Er:YAG Laser - A Fall Study

Thorsten Kuypers, DMD

Laser Profilometry for the Characterization of Craters Produced in Hard Dental Tissues by Er:YAG and Er,Cr:YSGG Lasers

Prof. dr. Janez Diaci1
1 University of Ljubljana, Faculty for Mechanical Engineering, Askerceva 6, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia 

Article: J. Laser Health Academy, Vol. 2008, No.2 (2008)

Dental Laser Drilling: Achieving Optimum Ablation with the Latest Generation Fidelis Laser Systems

Matjaz Lukac1, Marko Marincek1, Ladislav Grad2
1 Research Associate, Institute Jozef Stefan, Ljubljana, Slovenia,
2 Research Associate, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Ljubljana, Slovenia

Article: J. Laser Health Academy, Vol. 2007, No.7-3 (2007)

Clinical evaluation of periodontal surgical treatment with an Er:YAG laser: 5-year results

Gaspirc B, Skaleric U. 
J Periodontol. 2007;78(10):1864-1871.

The clinical and microbial evaluation of Nd: YAG laser in periodontal pocket healing

Shahabouei M, Shirani AM, Navabakbar F, et al. 
J Oral Laser Appl. 2007;7(4):233-238.