Evaluation of the effect of calcium hydroxide paste on sealer penetration into dentinal tubules by confocal laser scanning microscopy
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Evaluation of the effect of calcium hydroxide paste on sealer penetration into dentinal tubules by confocal laser scanning microscopy
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Laser activated irrigation with SWEEPS modality reduces concentration of sodium hypochlorite in root canal irrigation
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Comparative effects of erbium-doped yttrium aluminum garnet laser, the shock wave-enhanced emission photoacoustic streaming, and the conventional needle irrigation on apical extrusion of irrigants
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Effect of acid or laser treatment on degradation of dentin matrix
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Effect of laser-assisted retrograde cavity preparation on push-out-bond-strength of mineral trioxide aggregate and calcium-enriched-mixture-cement
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Comparative Evaluation of Influence of Nd:YAG Laser (1064 nm) and 980 nm Diode Laser on Enamel around Orthodontic Brackets: An In Vitro Study
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The effect of different energy levels of the Er: YAG laser on the repair bond strength of a nanohybrid composite resin
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Effectiveness of Different Methods in Removing Dentin Caries of Primary Teeth: Micro-CT and SEM Evaluation
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The efficiency of laser application for debonding laminate restorations manufactured of current CAD-CAM materials with different thicknesses
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Effect of green tea-loaded chitosan nanoparticles on leathery dentin microhardness
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Assessment of Human Gingival Fibroblast Proliferation after Laser Stimulation In Vitro Using Different Laser Types and Wavelengths (1064, 980, 635, 450, and 405 nm)-Preliminary Report
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Comparison of the efficacy of laser-activated and ultrasonic-activated techniques for the removal of tricalcium silicate-based sealers and gutta-percha in root canal retreatment: a microtomography and scanning electron microscopy study
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