Publications - Dentistry


Effect of Optimized Irrigation With Photon-Induced Photoacoustic Streaming on Smear Layer Removal, Dentin Microhardness, Attachment Morphology, and Survival of the Stem Cells of Apical Papilla

Wu, L., Jiang, S., Ge, H., Cai, Z., Huang, X. & Zhang, C.
Lasers in Surgery and Medicine, 2021;53(8), pp.1105–1112.

Immunomodulatory effects of Nd:YAG (1064 nm) and diode laser (810 nm) wavelengths to LPS-challenged human gingival fibroblasts

Papadelli, A., Kyriakidou, K., Kotsakis, G.A., Pepelassi, E., Kallis, A., Vrotsos, I.A. & Karoussis, I.K.
Archives of Oral Biology, 2021;122.

Comparison of different irrigation activation techniques on smear layer removal: an in vitro study

Akyuz Ekim SN, Erdemir A. 
Microsc Res Tech. 2015;78(3):230-239.

Efficacy of laser-based irrigant activation methods in removing debris from simulated root canal irregularities

Deleu E, Meire MA, De Moor RJG. 
Lasers Med Sci. 2015;30(2):831-835.

Comparison of four different techniques for performing an osteotomy: a biomechanical, radiological and histological study on rabbits tibias

Elmadag, M. et al.
The bone & joint journal, 97–B(12), pp.1628–1633

A comparative SEM assessment for the ability of PIPS, XP-Finisher and PUI to eliminate smear layer and open dentinal tubules

Obeid, M., Elshaboury, E. & Obeid, R.
Egyptian Dental Journal,2022; 68(2), pp.1937–1943.

Efficacy of different Er:YAG laser-activated photoacoustic streaming modes compared to passive ultrasonic irrigation in the retreatment of curved root canals

Petričević, G.K., Katić, M., Anić, I., Salarić, I., Vražić, D. & Bago, I.
Clinical Oral Investigations, 2022;26(11), pp.6773–6781.

Influence of lasing parameters on the cleaning efficacy of laser-activated irrigation with pulsed erbium lasers

Meire, M.A., Havelaerts, S. & De Moor, R.J.
Lasers in Medical Science,2016; 31(4), pp.653–658.

Comparative Morphologic Evaluation and Occluding Effectiveness of Nd: YAG, CO2 and Diode Lasers on Exposed Human Dentinal Tubules: An Invitro SEM Study

Saluja M, Grover HS, Choudhary P. 
J Clin Diagn Res. 2016;10(7):ZC66-70.

Influence of Laser Activated Irrigation with two Erbium Lasers on Bond Strength of Inidividually Formed Fiber Reinforced Composite Posts to Root Canal Dentin

Amižić, I.P. et al.
Acta Stomatologica Croatica, 2016;50(4), pp.321–328.

A Comparative Study of Enamel Surface Roughness After Bleaching With Diode Laser and Nd: YAG Laser

Mirzaie, M. et al.
Journal of lasers in medical sciences,2016; 7(3), pp.197–200.

Bond strength of resin composite to light activated bleached enamel

Yavuz, T. et al.
Nigerian journal of clinical practice, 2016;19(6), pp.766–771.