Publications - Dentistry


Circulatory leukotriene changes during bone healing following osteotomies prepared with Er:YAG laser and piezosurgery: an animal study

Hadzi-Petrushev, N., Gjorgievska, E., Gabric, D., Dinescu, S., Mitrokhin, V. & Mladenov, M.
Biotechnology and Biotechnological Equipment,2019;  33(1), pp.325–330

Low-level laser irradiation modulates the proliferation and the osteogenic differentiation of bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells under healthy and inflammatory condition

Wang, L., Wu, F., Liu, C., Song, Y., Guo, J., Yang, Y. & Qiu, Y.
Lasers in medical science, 2019;4(1), pp.169–178.

Effects of Nd:YAG laser irradiation on the growth of Candida albicans and Streptococcus mutans: in vitro study

Grzech-Lesniak, K. et al
in vitro study. Lasers in medical science, 2019;34(1), pp.129–137.

Treatment Outcome of Oral Leukoplakia with Er:YAG Laser: A 5-Year Follow-Up Prospective Comparative Study

Arduino PG, Cafaro A, Cabras M, Gambino A, Broccoletti R.
Photomed Laser Surg. October 2018.

A comparison of gingival depigmentation by Er:YAG laser and Kirkland knife: osmotic pressure and visual analog scale

Ipek H, Kirtiloglu T, Diraman E, Acikgoz G.
J Cosmet Laser Ther. 2018.

Comparison of Gingival Troughing by Laser and Retraction Cord

Tao X, Yao J-W, Wang H-L, Huang C.
Int J Periodontics Restor Dent.2018;38(4):527-532.

Auto-Fluorescence and Histopathologic Evaluation of Medication-Related Osteonecrosis of the Jaws: Perspectives for Treatment

Giovannacci, I. et al.
The Journal of craniofacial surgery, 2019;30(4), pp.1039–1043.

Comparison of Er:YAG and Er,Cr:YSGG Laser in the Treatment of Oral Leukoplakia Lesions Refractory to the Local Retinoid Therapy

Matulic, N. et al.
Photobiomodulation, photomedicine, and laser surgery, 2020; 37(6), pp.362–368.

Four-year clinical prospective follow-up of resin composite restoration after selective caries removal using Er:YAG laser

Valerio RA, Galo R, Galafassi D, Corona SAM, Borsatto MC.
Clin Oral Investig. November 2019; 24(7):2271-2283.

Measurement of Pressures Generated in Root Canal During Er:YAG Laser-Activated Irrigation

Jezeršek, M., Lukač, N., Lukač, M., Tenyi, A., Olivi, G. & Fidler, A.
Australian endodontic journal : the journal of the Australian Society of  Endodontology Inc, 2020; 46(3), pp.351–357.

Proton Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy Analysis of Mixtures of Chlorhexidine with Different Oxidizing Agents Activated by Photon-Induced Photoacoustic Streaming for Root Canal Irrigation

Buyukozer Ozkan H, Terlemez A, Orhan EO.
Photobiomodulation, photomedicine, laser Surg. 2020;38(6):374-379.

Real-time intracanal temperature measurement comparing mechanically and laser-activated irrigation to syringe irrigation

Donnermeyer D, Schäfer E, Bürklein S.
Aust Endod J  J Aust Soc  Endodontology Inc. November 2020.