Publications - Dentistry


The efficacy of ultrasonic and PIPS (photon-induced acoustic streaming) irrigation to remove artificially placed dentine debris plugs out of an artificial and natural root model

Kurzmann C, Meire MA, Lettner S, Farmakis ETR, Moritz A, De Moor RJG.
Lasers Med Sci. 2020;35(3):719-728.

Characteristics of Bubble Oscillations During Laser-Activated Irrigation of Root Canals and Method of Improvement

Lukač M, Lukač N, Jezeršek M.
Lasers Surg Med. 2020;52(9):907-915.

Determination of Optimal Separation Times for Dual-Pulse SWEEPS Laser-Assisted Irrigation in Different Endodontic Access Cavities

Lukač M, Olivi G, Constantin M, Lukač N, Jezeršek M.
Lasers Surg Med. December 2020.

Postoperative evaluation of Er:YAG laser, piezosurgery, and rotary systems used for osteotomy in mandibular third-molar extractions

Civak, T., Ustun, T., Yilmaz, H.N. & Gursoy, B.
Journal of Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery, 2020; 49(1), pp.64–69.

Prevention of medication related osteonecrosis of the jaw after dentoalveolar surgery: An institution’s experience

Şahin, O., Tatar, B., Ekmekcioğlu, C., Aliyev, T. & Odabaşı, O.
Journal of clinical and experimental dentistry, 2020; 12(8), pp.e771–e776.

Aesthetic treatment outcomes of capillary hemangioma, venous lake, and venous malformation of the lip using different surgical procedures and laser wavelengths (Nd:Yag, er,cr:Ysgg, co2, and diode 980 nm)

Nammour, S., Mobadder, M. El, Namour, M., Namour, A., Arnabat-Dominguez, J., Grzech-Leśniak, K., Vanheusden, A.
Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2020; 17(22), pp.1–17.

Assessment of the Healing of Dental Implant Surgical Site Following Low-Level Laser Therapy Using Bioclinical Parameters: An Exploratory Study

Palled, V., Rao, J., Singh, R.D., Tripathi, S., Singh, K., Radav, R., Verma, U., et al.
The Journal of oral implantology, 2020; 47(3), pp.230–235.

Thermal Evaluation by Infrared Thermography Measurement of Osteotomies Performed with Er:YAG Laser, Piezosurgery and Surgical Drill—An Animal Study

Gabrić, D., Aumiler, D., Vuletić, M., Gjorgievska, E., Blašković, M., Mladenov, M. & Pavlić, V.
Materials, 2020; 14, p.3051

Evaluation of upper labial frenectomy: A randomized, controlled comparative study of conventional scalpel technique and Er:YAG laser technique

Sarmadi, R., Gabre, P. & Thor, A.
Clinical and experimental dental research, 2020.

The Nd:YAG Laser or Combined with Er:YAG Laser Therapy for Oral Venous Lakes

Shang, J., Gong, K., Xu, D.P., Sun, L.W. & Qu, W.D.
Photobiomodulation, Photomedicine, and Laser Surgery, 2020 38(4), pp.244–248.

The effect of the Er: YAG laser on the clinical success of hydrophilic fissure sealant: a randomized clinical trial

Yilmaz, H. & Keles, S.
European oral research, 2020; 54(3), pp.148–153.

Disinfection of Root Canals with Laser-Activated Irrigation, Photoactivated Disinfection, and Combined Laser Techniques: An Ex Vivo Preliminary Study

Olivi M, Raponi G, Palaia G, Berlutti F, Olivi G, Valentini E, Tenore G, Del Vecchio A, Romeo U.
Photobiomodulation, Photomedicine, and Laser Surgery. 2021 Jan 1;39(1):62-9.