Publications - Dentistry


Effect of different activations of silver nanoparticle irrigants on the elimination of Enterococcus faecalis

Afkhami F, Ahmadi P, Chiniforush N, Sooratgar A.
Clin Oral Investig. 2021;25(12):6893-6899.

Er-YAG Laser Effect on Push-out Bond Strength of MTA and Bio-dentine in Furcal Perforation Repair : A Comparative Study

Ansari A, Singh M, Singh M, Sharma K, Tandon S.
Nat Volatiles Essent Oils. 2021;8(4):15139-15145.

Clinical and biochemical effect of laser as an adjunct to non-surgical treatment  of chronic periodontitis.

Jiang, Y., Feng, J., Du, J., Fu, J., Liu, Yitong, Guo, L. & Liu, Yi.
Oral diseases, 2022

Combined approach to treatment of advanced stages of medication-related osteonecrosis of the jaw patients.

Şahin, O., Akan, E., Tatar, B., Ekmekcioğlu, C., Ünal, N. & Odabaşı, O.
Brazilian journal of otorhinolaryngology, 2022.

Measurement of Simulated Debris Removal Rates in an Artificial Root Canal to Optimize Laser‐Activated Irrigation Parameters

Jezeršek M, Lukač N, Lukač M.
Lasers in Surgery and Medicine, 2022; 53(3):411-7.

Treatment effects and periodontal status of chronic periodontitis after routine Er:YAG laser-assisted therapy

Gao, Y.-Z., Li, Y., Chen, S.-S., Feng, B., Wang, H. & Wang, Q.
World journal of clinical cases, 2022; 9(32), pp.9762–9769.

Influence of Low-Level Laser Modification and Adhesive Application Mode on the Bonding Efficiency of Universal Adhesives to Er:YAG Laser-Ablated Dentin

Elsahn NA, El-Damanhoury HM, Elkassas DW.
J lasers Med Sci, 2022; 12:e7.

The 1064-nm Nd: YAG Photobiomodulation vs. 20% Benzocaine Topical Gel in Inducing Mucosal Anesthetic Effect: A Double-Blind Randomized Clinical Trial

El Feghali, R., Tatarian, K., Zogheib, C., Benedicenti, S., Pasquale, C. and Amaroli, A.,
In Photonics, 2022.

Effect of Twinlight Laser on the Attachment of Human Gingival Fibroblasts to the Root Surface In Vitro

Song, J., Zheng, H., Wu, M., Guo, X. and Liu, T. 
International Medical Journal of Experimental and Clinical Research 2022

Effects of Low-Level Laser Therapy on Osseous Defects Distal to Mandibular Second Molar after Extraction of Impacted Third Molar.

Li, L. Y., Chen, J., Yu, M., Li, Y. L., & Zhou, G.
Applied Bionics and Biomechanics, 2022

Management of Peripheral Ossifying Fibroma by Erbium YAG Laser : A Novel Approach- Case Report

Gupta, S. & Mittal, N.
Asian Journal of Dental Sciences 2022

Efficacy of a combined Er:YAG laser and Nd:YAG laser in non-surgical treatment for severe periodontitis.

Zhu, J., Wei, R., Lv, X., & Qu, C.
Lasers in Medical Science, 2022; 37, pp.1095–1100.