Publications - Dentistry


Different application procedures of Nd:YAG laser as an adjunct to scaling and root planning in smokers with stage III grade C periodontitis: a single-blind, randomized controlled trial

Ezber, A., Taşdemir, İ., Yılmaz, H.E., Narin, F. & Sağlam, M. 
Irish journal of medical science, 2022

Effectiveness of Er:YAG Laser Combined with Photobiomodulation on Periodontitis Based on 3-month Observation

Yang, B., Li, H., Zhang, P. & Wang, B.
Oral health & preventive dentistry, 2022, 20(1), pp.193–198.

The effectiveness of scaling and root planing with combined application of air polishing and Nd:YAG laser in periodontal pockets of stage III grade C periodontitis patients: a single-blinded randomized clinical trial

Alkan, I.I., Akkaya, H.Ü. & Sağlam, M.
Clinical oral investigations, 2022, 26(8), pp.5459–5469.

Short lingual frenum in infants, children and adolescents. Part 2: Lingual frenum  release. Functional surgical approach.

Olivi G, Genovese MD, Olivi M, et al.,
Eur J Paediatr Dent, 2022; 22(1):47-54.

Effect of femtosecond and ER:YAG laser systems on shear bond strength of enamel surface and morphological changes

Özüdoğru S, Kahvecioğlu F, Tosun G, Gündoğdu Y, Kılıç HŞ.
Lasers Dent Sci. 2021;5(4):199-205.

Effect of Nd:YAG and Er:YAG laser tooth conditioning on the microleakage of self-adhesive resin cement

Kaviani A, Khansari Nejad N.
Biomater Investig Dent. 2021;8(1):152-159.


Abdul M., Delevska T.E, Stojanovska, A.A
Macedonian Dental Review, 2022; 45(1), pp.17–24.

Efficacy of three surgical methods for gingivectomy of permanent anterior teeth with delayed tooth eruption in children.

Xu, D., Wang, P., Liu, H. & Gu, M.,
Head& Face Medicine, 2022.

Efficacy of Er:YAG laser-assisted direct pulp capping in permanent teeth with cariously exposed pulp: A pilot study.

Wang, M., Ma L., Li, Q. & Yang, W., 
Australian endodontic journal: the journal of the Australian Society of Endodontology Inc, 2022.

Postoperative pain after SWEEPS, PIPS, sonic and ultrasonic-assisted irrigation activation techniques: a randomized clinical trial.

Erkan, E., Gündoğar, M., Uslu, G. & Özyürek, T.,
Odontology, 2022.

Clinical efficacy of Er:YAG laser application in pulpotomy of primary molars: a 2-year follow-up study.

Wang, J., Chen, Y., Zhang, B., Ge, X. & Wang, X.,
Lasers in medical science

Twelve-Month Follow-Up of Different Dentinal Hypersensitivity Treatments by Photobiomodulation Therapy, Nd:YAG and Nd:YAP Lasers.

Nammour, S., El Mobadder, M., Namour, M., Brugnera Junior, A., Zanin, F., Brugnera, A.P., Geerts, S., 
Life (Basel, Switzerland), 2022; 12 (12).